2015-11-24 16:40
时间飞快!第六季里,Phil家二女儿Alex高中毕业要念大学了!有一集他们全家在open day去参观大学,所有人都在感慨这所大学多么棒,大女儿Haley却不以为然,说“这没什么特殊的啊,跟我念的大学差不多啊。”
And we’ve been here exactly as long as you were there.
之后的一句话值得一学:Somebody’s got to keep the trains running.
Haley不甘示弱:It looks like every other college in America. What am I missing?
后面这句话,当大家觉得自己没有get到某个梗,或是感觉自己完全跟大家不在一个空间维度的时候就可以用。比如你进到一房间后,大家都在乐,你完全不知道大家在乐啥,就可以问“What am I missing?”
之后Alex大神发话了:Good grades, S.A.T. scores, basic verbal skills.
(这些优良品质都是Haley同学木有的,比如S.A.T. 就是Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写,俗称美国高考,对于Haley你懂的,不过人家是street smart,人各有志嘛对不?)
“埋汰”完姐姐,Alex转头跟弟弟帅气地说了句:That’s how you do it.
我们作为专业人士,在给别人示范某事之后,想耍酷的话,就可以用上这句,其实还可以说:That’s how it’s done!
其实Haley是个蛮有想法的娃,而且对于自己赖在家不上大学这件事也是比较在意,于是在Luke和Phil想打破规矩不按规矩办事的时候,Haley说出了以下的名言警句:Breaking the rules doesn’t make you a hero. It makes you a screw-up. Take it from me Luke, one out of a million dropouts becomes Steve Jobs. Do you know who become losers with no jobs? The other 99000! I see my sister about to lap me at a college that I would never be able to get into. Even someone as dumb as me can see that I’m a giant failure!
当我们想强调自己接下来说的话是完全正确的时候,可以用这个开头:Take it from me (that)…
(还有,是我的数学不好,还是Haley的数学有问题,总感觉她提到的两个数字怪怪的…… 是导演故意设的梗么……)
此时Phil作为一位loving father,肯定要给女儿打气嘛对不对,于是他说:Haley, let me tell you something, you have value, talent, and potential that their tests can’t measure. Who cares if you don’t fit into their little box? You are finding your way. That’s what your 20s are for. To take chances, to make mistakes and to learn from them and you are learning from them. That fact that you won’t push this button proves that.
这里的fit into their little box让人联想到一个表达:think out of the box (to think about something, or how to do something, in a way that is new, different or shows imagination)。美国的教育模式,应该就是鼓励孩子们跳出固有模式思考问题吧。
之后,Luke又开始吐槽了。Phil决定放弃按按钮的想法,以此来支持Haley,然后Luke神补刀:For the rest of your life.