2016-01-12 14:47
4.Christy Walton克里斯蒂•沃尔顿
Christy Walton is 60 years old. Most Americans associate Walton with the famous store called Walmart. It is reported that Christy Walton is worth over $42 billion. This rich lady currently lives in Jackson, Wyoming. She is considered to be not only the richest American woman. She's also the wealthiest woman in the world! Walton’s spouse comes from the wealthiest family, too.
Her husband, John Walton, is Sam Walton’s son, who is the founder of Walmart. Christy and John are involved with a side investment in First Solar, however, what make this couple so rich is the income they receive from shares in Walmart. Despite all the ups and downs, obtaining Walmart stock via online trading or through traditional ways seems to be quite a wise investment.