

2016-01-12 14:47



  1. Bill Gates比尔•盖茨

  According to Forbes, Bill Gates owns around $81 billion. At the moment he is 59 and lives in Medina, Washington. He is both fantastically rich and famous. Gates founded Microsoft, the company known all around the globe. He is also the founder of Cascade Investment LLC, an investment company. There’re numerous stock investment options he has recently purchased. He has bought or added stock in companies, such as ExxonMobil, McDonald’s, Liberty Global PLC and Berkshire Hathaway.

  从福布斯榜来看,比尔盖茨拥有大概810亿美金的资产。他今年59岁了,住在华盛顿的麦地那。他极其富有跟有名。盖茨创立了微软,这个公司享誉全球。同时他也是级联投资有限公司的创始人。他最近购买了大量的股票。他还入股了很多公司,比如:埃克森美孚国际公司,麦当劳,国际有线电视公司Liberty Global PLC和伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司(美国保险公司)。

  However, he has sold out and reduced stock in some brands as well. The list includes Procter and Gamble, Thai Fund Inc. and Coca Cola. Bill Gates is known as a philanthropist – he has used his wealth for donations and charities. For instance, Bill Gates and his spouse Melinda have lately donated approximately $500 million to fight dangerous diseases, such as malaria.



  2. Warren Buffett沃伦•巴菲特

  It is reported that Warren Buffet is worth $73 billion. He is now 84 years old and lives in Omaha, Nebraska. You are lucky if you obtain stock in Berkshire Hathaway. This is at present the most expensive stock to possess. For example, for one class A share you will need more than $200,000. You can compare it with the second most expensive stock in the world which is currently $535 per share.


  It’s said that Warren Buffet used to sell newspapers in his childhood.When the boy was 11 he invested in his first shares. Investment was in his blood and he succeeded in making huge money at his 20s. Buffet is a skillful investor having his own strategies and approaches. One of his talents is to recognize assets that are undervalued. His ability to identify something that goes unnoticed by other people has made him exceptionally wealthy.



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