
2015年五大科技趋势 你钟爱哪一款?

2015-02-05 14:30



  Start-up valuation bubble springs some leaks


  Every few weeks, a money-losing start-up gets a sky-high valuation from investors. Pinterest, theonline bulletin board, gets a $5 billion valuation. Digital payments company Square is priced at ahefty $6 billion. Meanwhile, Snapchat, the photo messaging service, gets an even bigger $10 billionvaluation. This year, look for some air to go out of the bubble. "There will be some really high-profile blow ups," says Venky Ganesan, a venture capitalist with Menlo Ventures. Timing when thetech industry will deflate is a favorite Silicon Valley parlor game. Despite dire predictions over thepast few years, startups keep rising in value. Ganesan, whose firm has invested in high-fliers like ridehailing service Uber ($41 billionvaluation), says momentum is pushing investors to bid up valuationsin shaky businesses like a game of musical chairs. In the end, some investors will lose a lot ofmoney, he says, if they haven't already. Fab, an e-commerce startup that had a valuation over $1billion before imploding in 2014, may be a sign of things to come. (Menlo was an investor.) Still,Ganesan says that companies that have a real business will continue to command high prices. Asfor the others, well, "No one is calling reporters when bad news is happening," he says.



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