

2018-07-09 14:00



  Do you eat to live or live to eat? We have a complicated relationship with food. But something we all share is appetite – our desire to eat.Our appetite is also not fixed, it changes across our lifespan as we age.


  The first decade, 0-10


  In early childhood, the body goes through rapid growth and dietary behaviour built up in early life can extend into adulthood, leading a fat child to become a fat adult.


  Fussiness or fear of particular foods can also contribute to meal time struggles for parents of young children, but a strategy of repeated tasting and learning in a positive environment can help children learn about unfamiliar but important foods, such as vegetables.Children should also experience some control, particularly in relation to portion size.


  The second decade, 10-20


  In the teenage years, a growth in appetite and stature driven by hormones, signals the arrival of puberty. How a teenager approaches food during this critical period will shape their lifestyle choices in later years.


  Unfortunately, without guidance, teenagers may adopt eating behaviours and food preferences associated with unhealthy consequences.


  Young women in general are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies than young men because of their reproductive biology. Teenage girls who become pregnant are also at greater risk since their bodies are supporting their own growth in competition with that of the growing foetus.


  The third decade, 20-30


  As young adults, lifestyle changes such as going to college, getting married or living with a partner, and parenthood can promote weight gain.


  Once accumulated, body fat is often difficult to lose. The body sends strong appetite signals to eat when we consume less than our energy needs, but the signals to prevent overeating are weaker, which can lead to a circle of over-consumption. There are many physiological and psychological factors that make eating less difficult to maintain over time. In an area of new research is to develop satiety, the sense of having eaten enough. This is helpful when trying to lose weight, since feeling hungry is one of the main barriers to eating less than your body says you need.


  Different foods send different signals to the brain. It’s easy to eat a tub of ice cream, for example, because fat doesn’t trigger signals in the brain for us to stop eating. On the other hand, foods high in protein, water or fibre content make us feel fuller for longer.



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