

2015-06-19 10:01



  5.Plan a vacation.


  Sometimes we just need to get away and go on vacation with our partners. Family, too much work, stress in the relationship, worries about bills or kids can also affect the relationship. Find a romantic getaway even if you are taking the kids with you. Book things to do and try new things with your partner to bond. Drink some champagne, listen to soft music, and light some candles. Romance is the key to staying in love. Do everything in the vacation with your partner.


  6.Always remember your partner's birthday.


  There’s nothing more awful than your partner forgetting your birthday or you forgetting theirs. No matter how old we get we should always remember their birthday and they should do the same. Even if you can't buy them an expensive birthday gift, just saying happy birthday and acknowledging their birthday will make them feel good.


  7.Renew your vows.


  Relive the moment of when the two of you decided to become one and you can even make it better this time.


  When renewing your vows, you don't have to have a big celebration with all the friends you know and your partner know and the whole lot of people like the first time. It can be a small family and close friends’ celebration. The important thing this time around is creating your own vows. Take the time and think about all the things you like about your partner. This will make both of you remember and think of why you love each other and the things that you like about each other.


  8.Hygiene is important for romance.


  There is nothing worse than cuddling at nighttime with your partner only to find out they don't smell so good and then the moment is ruined.


  9.Write love letters.


  This is something we, both women and men, have completely forgotten about. Don't we love those romantic movies about a letter such as message in a bottle? Why can't we have our own fairy tales? Well we might not have a fairy tale life but we can have our own romantic story.


  Sit down and think about all the things you like about your husband or wife, think about what made you fall in love with him or her and write it down in a piece of paper, then think about something you want to say to your love one. If this is difficult, think if it was your very last day on this earth or last day you were going to see them what did you want them to know?


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