

2015-06-19 10:01



  1.You have to turn the attention of your spouse's wandering eyes back to you.


  You do this by having "Date Nights." It can be three times a month at the very least, where you and your spouse get the chance to dress sexy and leave the kids with the babysitter or a family member.


  Go to a place you haven't been in a long time and you both enjoy such as a fancy restaurant, a club, to play pool, or the movies, or even a bar. This night should be about rediscovering yourselves again and the fun part of you and your spouse, so try leaving the bossiness, jealousy, and talks about money and kids behind.


  2.Hold hands.


  It might be cheesy to some people and it may take getting used to but in fact holding hands builds a bond with your partner and it gives you a sense of romance sort of like when the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, or in the beginning of the relationship.


  At first you might not feel comfortable and you might even be shy in publicbecause you are not used to this, but this is romance and is intimacy.


  3.Share information with your spouse.


  There are couples that don't even talk to each other anymore, or when they do is only talks of money, kids, and schedule.


  Take the time to ask your spouse how their day was. If they are hesitant to share information and just answer with a mere fine, start the conversation. Tell them something that happened at your job or around the house, tell them something you might have discussed at work with your friends, or how your job is going. This will get them to want to share their information and they will also start building the habit of asking you how work was.


  4.Be kind to one another.


  Relationships that have lasted for a while tend to fall into habits and tricks, you get to know your partner's likes and dislike and so you know what they hate the most, what hurts their feelings, what makes them cry, or laugh. Some partners take advantage of this and decide to use this against one another.


  Do not insult each other whether in public or in the privacy of the house. Insulting each other causes hurt feelings and the damage might be irreversible. Even if you are mad, try to refrain from using nicknames or curse words and saying things that you will later regret, because what you might be left with in the relationship is only resentment towards each other. Take the time to say nice things to your partner. Call them sweetie, honey, baby, and tell them how good they smell or anything that is kind and tender. This will make your partner feel love and will in turn make them treat you the same way.



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