

2020-01-06 13:55



  6. Visit your doctor for a check-up.

  Even though it’s not very common, there is a possibility that a medical condition could be behind thin hair and hair loss. The most common related situations are thyroid malfunctions, vitamin or iron deficiency, anemia, and hormone problems. There is also a condition called androgenic alopecia, which is genetic and can begin in your twenties or after menopause. So getting a check-up is always a good place to start.


  7. Lower the heat and try old school granny rollers.

  Heat is not a friend of strong and thick hair, because it can lead to extensive breakage. After you’re done washing your hair, try to dry it gently with a towel, and then use a blow-dryer on low heat. Instead of using a curling iron, put a set of hot rollers in your hair. Separate your hair in sections, roll each one, wait 20 minutes to half an hour, and then un-roll. You can add some hairspray before rolling to make the volume last.


  8. Include more veggies,fruits,and protein in your diet.

  You don’t need chemical products for Hollywood-level volume. Natural ingredients can do the work too. Mix avocado, which is high in protein, and eggs, for shine and thickness, with olive or argan oil, and a table spoon of honey to create a super nutritious mask for your hair. You can apply the mask on dry or wet hair, wait 20 minutes, and wash it off. Use regularly and you’ll quickly notice a difference.


  9. Try hair color spray to add volume.

  Adding hair color with a spray to your hair is like using makeup on your face. If put it on the right places you can completely change the style and appearance of your hair to look stronger and fuller. For darker hair, try to focus on the hair roots, where the contrast is more obvious. With a help of a hair dresser, you can also create motion through mixing 2 or 3 colors at once.



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