

2019-09-16 14:24




  Don't Use Your Phone While Pooping


  Bringing a phone into the bathroom is a gross, terrible idea. Aside from the obvious threat of getting atomized feces all over your touchscreen -- we're just going to leave you with the words "toilet plume[1]" -- spending time scrolling and doing your business and then scrolling some more, instead of just "doing your business" and promptly exiting, can wreak total havoc[2] on your butthole, your colon, and all points in between.


  The longer you sit on the pooper, the more likely you are to wreck your rectum, as the human body has evolved[3] to do this business as quickly as possible. So if you're just, like, hanging out on the toilet instead, you're putting unnecessary pressure on your rectum.


  Sitting around and not pooping is also a good way to keep yourself not pooping, for, like, a while. Let's say, for example, that you feel the need to poop, but, once you get there, you pull up Twitter and get distracted by videos of celebrities kicking caps off bottles. You might at that point experience something called reverse peristalsis, wherein your dookie is pulled back up into your colon.


  Since "up" is not the normal direction for poop to go, Your poop has now become hard[4], both literally and figuratively, which will often result in both a prolonged bout of constipation and you one-day-shipping the biggest tub of Miralax you can find on Amazon.


  Oh, and then there's the threat of nerve and hip pain too--guess where your toilet seat presses against your ass? So in short, don't bring your phone in with you when you poop. Unless you're reading this article, that is. Then have at it.


  1. plume:[plum] n. 羽毛;羽毛装饰物;飘升之物;(尤指污染物)一团物质;v. 用羽毛装饰;羽毛状展开;(人)搔首弄姿;引以为傲;飘升

  2. wreak havoc:肆虐;造成严重破坏

  wreak:[rik] vt. 发泄;报仇;造成(巨大的破坏或伤害)

  havoc:['hævək] n. 大破坏;浩劫;蹂躏 vt. 严重破坏 vi. 损毁

  3. evolve:[ɪ'vɑlv] vt. 发展;进化;推断出 vi. 进化;逐步形成

  4. hard:adj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的。所以在原句有两层含义,一个是便便会变硬,另一个是便便会很难排出来(是的,这是个有味道的讲解)


  Hunching Over Screens Ruins Your Neck


  Remember how a few weeks ago, the internet was aflame with stories of cellphones causing kids to "grow horns"? Well, those headlines have been loudly debunked[1] since then), it is true that spending your day hunched over your phone is terrible for your neck.


  Medical professionals call it "text neck" -- a term for all the excess wear and tear that leaning forward to squint at your tiny screen or laptop puts on your neck and back muscles. Like tennis elbow[2] or runner's knee, the culprit[3] is overuse, with the added factor of bending your body in a way it wasn't evolved for.


  All technological scaremongering[4] aside, the reality is that the standard human head weighs about 12 pounds, and the standard human neck was built to support about that much, for obvious reasons. But dropping your head forward to look at your phone for hours on end increases the strain on those muscles, the force doubling for each inch off-center you lean[5].


  In fact, if you've got your chin low enough, the effect is the same as if your head weighed 60 pounds, or almost four of the heaviest street-legal bowling balls.


  All of this unprecedented[6] hunching can result in shoulder and back pain, headaches, arthritis, herniated and bulging discs, pinched nerves, lower blood oxygen levels, and an actual change in the curvature of your neck.


  So there's a great chance that a youth spent leaning over a screen will cause you chronic pain later life. How much pain? We don't know.


  1. debunked ['di'bʌŋk] vt. 揭穿;拆穿…的假面具;暴露 [过去分词:debunked;第三人称单数 debunks]

  2. elbow ['ɛlbo] n. 肘部;弯头;扶手 vt. 推挤;用手肘推开

  3. culprit ['kʌlprɪt] n. 犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人

  4. scaremongering n. 散布恐怖消息,制造恐慌

  5. lean [lin] adj. 瘦且健康的;脂肪少的;贫乏的;高效低耗的 n. 瘦肉;倾斜;倾斜度

  6. unprecedented [ʌn'prɛsɪdɛntɪd] adj. 空前的;无前例的


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