

2019-09-16 14:24



时事 百科 科技 美食 心理 身体奥秘




  Multitasking While Eating

  Screws Up Your Diet


  Let's talk about something that we as a country excel[1] at: eating in front of the television. We've been doing it like champs since 1954, when the first TV dinner was created right here in the good ol' U.S. of A.[2] Surely, there's no downside to dinner and a show, right? And certainly nothing that, who knows, feeds directly into our great nation's greater obesity epidemic?


  Oh, there is? Whoops.


  Eating while distracted can increase your calorie intake by up to a third. And the consequences don't stop at weight gain. Distracted eaters are also more likely to keep eating later, adding even more empty calories[3] that you're almost certainly not going to do anything about. One study found that the average office desk contained almost 500 calories of squirreled-away snacks.


  This one isn't complicated. It's a simple lack of mindfulness. Generally it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to tell your gut that you're full. But if you're eating while distracted, you're prone[4] to either hurry because the Jenkins report was due, like, yesterday or overeating because you've got three servings of General Tso's[5] in front of you and it's hard to follow your diet plans when a Kelly Ripa interview is happening on your phone.


  In fact, if you were waiting on all of the "phones are bad for you" entries, here's one right now ...


  1. excel:[ɪk'sɛl] vt. 超过;擅长 vi. 在某方面胜过别人)

  2. in the good ol' U.S. of A.:全称是 In the good old United States of America,或者你可以想成是 In the good old USA的变体,意思是 “在美好的老美国”。good old US of A,这是美国人给他们的国家起的昵称。

  3. empty calories:空卡路里,毫无营养的卡路里。什么是空热量食物?就是那些热量非常高,但是营养接近于零的食物,比如糖。

  4. prone:[pron] adj. 俯卧的;有…倾向的,易于…的

  5. General Tso's:左宗棠鸡,又名左宗鸡。这道菜中国人可能不是很了解,但在美国却是一道很受欢迎的中国菜。


  Showing Up To Work When You're Sick

  Is Stupid And Counterproductive[1]


  Statistically, you have gone to work when you were sick, probably because you felt like you didn't have a choice. Whether it's because you don't have any paid sick days, had to power through in order to meet a deadline, or both, this is one of the most stupidly self-destructive habits our society claims to admire[2].


  We'll start with the obvious, which is that by pressuring you to work, your boss is putting everyone in the office at risk of catching your flu, including some older people who maybe can't bounce back from it so easily. This, of course, creates more work for you when everyone else inevitably[3]gets sick.


  And hey, speaking of more work, you're statistically probably making a ton of mistakes that you're going to have to fix later. Because when you're sick, you're by definition not firing on all cylinders. Even something as simple as a stuffy head and feeling run down means your productivity and attention to detail takes a demonstrable hit. But at least your supervisor can get a pat on the back for having inspired you to power through the adversity, right?


  Of course, working while sick also extends the duration of your illness, often by weeks. After all, work creates stress, and stress weakens the immune system. More than that, working while sick actually drags down your opinion of your job in the long run, exhausting[5] you emotionally and putting you at risk for future cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression, and burnout.


  It's around here that we should note that America is absolute trash when it comes to paid sick leave[6], creating the current epidemic of "presenteeism."[7] That's the technical term for employees going to work while sick and making everything worse. It's even stupider when you realize that studies show working while sick is significantly more expensive for a company than letting employees take time off. It's almost like they've been trained to equate suffering with success.


  1.counterproductive:[,kaʊntəprə'dʌktɪv]:adj. 反生产的,适得其反,事与愿违,与期待的恰恰相反

  2. admire: [ədˈmaɪr] vt. 钦佩;赞美 vi. 称赞;推崇

  3. inevitably:[ɪn'ɛvɪtəbli] adv. 不可避免地;必然地

  4. firing on all cylinders:火力全开,马力十足

  5. exhausting [ɪg'zɔstɪŋ] adj. 使人筋疲力尽的;使耗尽的 v. 使……精疲力竭;用完,耗尽;排放,排出(exhaust 的现在分词)

  6. paid sick leave:带薪病假

  7. presenteeism:[,prezən'tiːɪzəm] 出勤主义,指的是美国提倡员工在生病、压力太大或者有其他事情而无法专心工作时还必须要照常上班的情况。同时,也可以指无论是否有工作可做,老板都希望员工出勤上班的情况。


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