

2018-08-09 09:51



  Zhang Liyong, 31, graduated from Shandong University in Linyi, Shandong. In 2009, he entered the Computer College of Fudan University, and was one of the main developers of Fudan official website search engine. After graduating in 2012, he came to Beijing to engage in technology development. Zhang Liyong said that he had an annual salary of about 200000 yuan, and he also had an option of about 200000 yuan. But 3 years later, he resigned voluntarily and went back to the countryside to cultivate land. He thought he liked this way of life in his bones.



  Zhang Liyong quit his high salary 3 years ago and became a Zen volunteer.


  At Fudan, Zhang Liyong was interested in national science, but because of the distribution of the campus, there was not much opportunity to choose the relevant courses, only to buy some Confucian classics, and also read Huangdi Neijing. When he resigned home in 2015, he had a chance to take part in a study camp held in Lotus Hill in Guangzhou. After the course, he followed the host to another lecture point, a cultural research and Extension Center in the Qiandao Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, where he became a volunteer. So far, it has been 3 years.


  Zhang Liyong hopes to clarify that he is not a religious person. He is a Sinology center supported by the foundation and aimed at promoting traditional culture. In peacetime, he is mainly responsible for the development, maintenance and video shooting of the website, the rest of the time meditation, lectures, and do some cleaning work, clothing and food without paying, but there is no income.


  In order to pursue high income, He always wanted to make himself better than others. However, he realized that this fast - paced, blind pursuit of wealth has brought him into a wrong path and brought pain, including the relationship with the family, the relationship between people, on the basis of money and the consideration of questions from the point of view of money. He did not want to be there and wants to make a change. Then slowly contact the Tao Te Jing, feeling and own experience has a certain corresponding, very thorough, can let him see through some things, find the direction of life.



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