2016-03-11 15:03
作者:Brianna Wiest
As we all know, one of the things we Millennials are most passionate about is artwork wherein our favorite Disney princesses are reimagined into a new animation or time period, and these Renaissance Disney princesses are no exception. The images were created by Thunyamon Charoensuttikul, a Thai graphic design student, for a special class project.
众所周知,我们千禧一代最热爱的事物之一就是艺术作品,那种把我们最喜爱的迪士尼公主重新绘制成新的动画或按一定时期的风格重新进行绘制的艺术作品,而这些文艺复兴时期风格的迪士尼公主便是如此。这些画像的作者是Thunyamon Charoensuttikul,她是一位学平面设计的泰国学生,为一个特别的班级项目而创作了这些作品。
For those of you who are history junkies and/or lovers of all things Disney-related, these will totally amaze you. Check out a few of the pieces below, and see what all the fuss is about. If we had to take a guess, we'd say there are probably only more incredible things destined to come from some talent like this...