
想要get到dad jokes的梗,这些短语可一定要掌握

2022-03-01 22:53



  Dad jokes除了使用谐音梗之外,还常常借助某些idioms或固定搭配来制造笑点。直译往往无法传达出它们的精髓,甚至有些只可意会不可言传。看看下面的dad jokes哪个会让你会心一笑吧。

  1. Yesterday, the doctor told me I was colorblind. The diagnosis came out of the purple.


  【笑点解析】正确的说法应该是out of the blue (unexpectedly; without warning), 但是作者是colorblind……

  2. I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anesthetic. He said : “Sure, know yourself out!”


  【笑点解析】knock somebody out既可表示make somebody fall asleep or become unconscious, 也可以表示在拳击比赛中,把对手打倒(hit an opponent so that they cannot get up within a limited time and therefore lose the fight),也就是我们常说的KO.

  3. My cloning experiments finally paid off. I’m so excited, I’m beside myself!


  【笑点解析】beside myself既可以表示因为强烈的情绪而无法自已(unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling),也可以是字面意思“在我自己旁边”。

  4. Tomorrow my son and I are getting new glasses. And after that? We’ll see.


  【笑点解析】see不光光指“利用视觉看到某物”,也指find out something by looking, asking or waiting. 所以We’ll see. 还可以翻译成“到时候我们就知道了.”

  5. I’m developing a new fragrance for introverts. It’s called “Leave me the fuh cologne”.


  【笑点解析】Leave me alone – 让我自己待会儿别来烦我。这款古龙香的名字把社恐人群的内心情绪表达的非常到位了。

  6. Diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in your jeans.


  【笑点解析】这里用了谐音梗,jeans同音genes,be in the genes表示be a quality that your parents have passed on to you.

  7. A couple of cows were smoking weed and playing poker. The steaks were high.


  【笑点解析】这里仍然使用了谐音和双关,steaks同音stake,high除了表示赌注高(The stakes were high.),还形容这些牛抽high了(behaving in an excited way because of the effects of alcohol or drugs)……

  8. What did the bra say to the hat? You go on a head. I’ll give these two a lift.


  【笑点解析】lift做名词时候,可以指a free ride in a car, etc. to a place you want to get to,也可以指a movement in which something rises or is lifted up. 而且还用到了谐音,后面这句我们写成You go on ahead. I’ll give these two a lift. 就明白了!(你先走,我送一下这两位。)

  9. After all these years, my wife still thinks I’m sexy. Every time I walk by, she says: “What an ass!”


  【笑点解析】What an ass! 除了表示惊叹,更常用的解释是“真是个蠢货混蛋(a stupid person)”。

  10. Some people have trouble sleeping, but I can do it with my eyes closed.


  【笑点解析】with your eyes shut/closed = having enough experience to be able to do something easily. 真的就是咱们平常说的“我闭着眼睛都能做”!


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