
英语里玩儿烂谐音梗的dad jokes

2022-01-31 00:43



  Dad jokes是种简短的冷笑话,一般只有一句话或者一问一答,punchline部分通常使用谐音梗或者双关语。大家感觉这种笑话是爸爸辈擅长的风格,所以称它们为dad jokes. 要想get到dad jokes的笑点,一定要读懂最后的punchline,所以这些jokes也为英文学习者提供了很棒的学习素材。下面摘选一些Instagram @dadsaysjokes分享的笑话,一起来解读一下里面的笑点吧!

  1. - What did Spartacus say when the lion ate his wife?

  - Nothing, he was gladiator.

  【解读】gladiator = a man trained to fight other men or animals in order to entertain the public in ancient Rome. 同时,在发音上gladiator = glad it ate her. (glad的d和it的i连读,it的t失去爆破,同时her的h被击穿)

  2. Horse walks into a bar. Bartender: Hey! Horse: Sure.

  【解读】Hey音同hay (grass that has been cut and dried and is used as food for animals).

  3. - What do you call a fat psychic?

  - A 4 chin teller.

  【解读】4 chin teller音似fortune-teller (a person who claims to have magic powers and who tells people what will happen to them in the future); fat psychic (a person who claims to have strange mental powers so that they can do things that are not possible according to natural laws, such as predicting the future and speaking to dead people) 胖到不只有双下巴,而是两对儿双下巴4 chin…

  4. - What do you call a typo on a headstone?

  - A grave mistake.

  【解读】headstone也叫gravestone,同时grave做形容词时表示very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried. 墓碑上写错了字,嗯… grave mistake.

  5. A genie granted me one wish, so I said “I just want to be happy.” Now I’m living in a cottage with six dwarves and working in a mine.


  6. Interviewer: How do you explain this 4-year gap on your resume?

  Me: That’s when I went to Yale…

  Interviewer: That’s impressive. You’re hired.

  Me: Thanks. I really need this yob.

  【解读】“Yob”? Oh… so what I really meant is “jail”. 哎,不说最后一句话不就成了。

  7. I like to imagine that the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the brella, but he hesitated.


  8. Vin Diesel eats two meals a day. Breakfast and breakfurious.

  【解读】Vin Diesel是《速度与激情》主演,嗯,Fast and Furious.

  9. What is the opposite of a croissant. A happy Uncle.

  【解读】croissant音似cross aunt,“生气的aunt”反义词是“高兴的uncle”,行吧没毛病。

  10. Before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st be sure to lift your left leg. That way you will start off the new year on the right foot.

  【解读】start off on the right foot = to make a successful start,新的一年美好的开端,从用右脚站立开始吧!

  11. I debated a flat-earther once. He stormed off saying he’d walk to the edge of the earth to prove me wrong. I’m sure he’ll come around, eventually.

  【解读】come around = to change your mood or your opinion, 双关:相信地球是平的的这位,要走去世界的尽头向我证明,他最终肯定会回来的!

  12. Did you hear about this new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu. You get what you deserve.



  13. When I was a kid, I wanted to play the guitar really badly. And after years of hard work, practice and dedication, I can now play the guitar really badly.


  14. There are four stages of life and they all involve Santa:

  Stage 1. You believe in Santa.

  Stage 2. You don’t believe in Santa.

  Stage 3. You are Santa.

  Stage 4. You look like Santa.


  15. I arrived early to the restaurant and manager said: “Do you mind waiting a bit?” I said “No.” “Good.” He said: “Take these drinks to table nine.”

  【解读】wait的双关:wait除了表示“等待”,还有短语wait tables (to work serving food to people in a restaurant)以及wait on somebody (to act as a servant to somebody, especially by serving food to them). 既然来早了,别干等着,帮我招呼一下客人吧!

  看完了这些dad jokes,是不是在寒冷的冬日里,感觉更冷了……


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