

2021-12-28 17:59



  关于喝酒,英文里的相关表达也是非常传神了!比如酒桌上的豪言壮志“我要把你们都喝翻到桌子底下去”也有对应的英文表达呢!就是drink somebody under the table (to drink more alcohol than somebody else without becoming as drunk as they are) 例如:

  Believe me, she can drink anyone under the table!

  Please, she’s a bit tipsy after one shot. I could definitely drink her under the table.

  说某人酒量大,还可以用hold one’s liquor (to be able to consume alcohol without becoming noticeably intoxicated or exhibiting other negative effects, such as becoming ill or unconscious; to have a high tolerance for alcohol) 例如:

  I’m sorry for acting like such a fool at the party. I don’t even remember what happened. I guess I just can’t hold my liquor.

  I asked him to leave because he can’t hold his liquor.


  1. tipsy (slightly drunk)

  After a glass of wine, I’m feeling a bit tipsy.

  2. plastered (drunk)

  I don’t believe it! You’re totally plastered at your own dinner party.

  3. fuddled (very drunk, unable to think clearly)

  She forced her fuddled brain to work.

  4. wasted (strongly affected by alcohol or drugs)

  I saw him before the party and he was already wasted.

  5. hammered (very drunk)

  They got hammered last night.

  6. stoned (not behaving or thinking normally because of the effects of a drug or alcohol)

  They got stoned at the party.

  7. wiped out (intoxicated, high)

  After the party I was completely wiped out.

  8. bombed (extremely drunk)

  He got completely bombed last night.

  9. juiced (drunk)

  They were really juiced at the bachelor party.

  10. blackout (extremely drunk, often to the eventual point of unconsciousness)

  He was blackout last night, so I’m not surprised that he doesn’t remember talking to you.

  另外,大家应该都听说过一部喜剧电影《宿醉》The Hangover. 这个hangover就是the headache and sick feeling that you have the day after drinking too much alcohol. 例如:

  She woke up with a terrible hangover.

  它的形容词是hungover (a person who is hungover is feeling ill / sick because they drank too much alcohol the night before).

  当我们被宿醉的感觉折磨时,会有人告诉你再喝点儿“透一透”,这用来透一透的酒就叫做the hair of the dog that bit you (alcohol that you drink in order to make you feel better when you have drunk too much alcohol the night before. The phrase comes from the notion that literally rubbing the hair of the dog that bit you on the wound would help it to heal.). 有种以毒攻毒的感觉… 例如:

  Wow, all that beer has left me feeling terrible this morning. The only cure is the hair of the dog, I guess!

  ‘Why are you drinking whisky at 8 o’clock in the morning?’ ‘Hair of the dog. I’ve got the most terrible hangover.’

  有关酒我们还需要了解一下这两个缩写:DUI & DWI:

  DUI = driving under the influence

  (in some states in the US) the crime of driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol.

  It is a less serious crime than ‘driving while intoxicated’.

  DWI = driving while intoxicated


  Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. 关于禁止drink and drive的广告语也有很多,例如Drink and drive costs your life. Alcohol and gasoline don’t mix. A second drink could double your chance of being in a fatal collision.

  所以,如果酒后需要开车,一定要叫代驾!朋友出去玩耍约好了负责开车不喝酒的那位,可以被称为designated driver,“叫代驾”可以是order a designated driver, 或者也可以简单的说成call for a ride. 总之,Don’t drink and drive!


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