
Cardi B不光会说唱,还会教你讲英文

2021-12-28 17:56



  Cardi B被大家亲切的称为嘻哈界的公主,她一直倡导realness是她所从业的industry最需要的品质,在各种公开场合她都有着毫无掩饰的诚实魅力。Vogue的73个快问快答也曾采访过她,让我们一起看看Cardi B是如何淘气幽默的回答这些rapid-fire questions的吧:

  [Interviewer]: I gotta say I’m really happy that Kulture’s making a cameo in this video.

  [Cardi B]: Oh yeah, too bad she’s sleeping. She is really out.

  cameo = a small part in a film / movie or play for a famous actor

  电影里明星的友情客串角色就是cameo role,客串出场可以用上面的短语make a cameo. 例如:She was offered the chance to make a cameo she didn’t want to steal anyone else’s thunder.

  out = unconscious

  可以指人昏睡过去,神志不清醒,例如:She was out for an hour during surgery.

  [Interviewer]: Who’s your fashion icon?

  [Cardi B]: To me, Lady Gaga, Missy Elliot, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna.

  icon = a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of life, etc.


  Madonna is the pop icon of the 1980s.

  She’s a feminist / gay icon (= somebody that feminists / gay people admire)

  [Interviewer]: What’s your go-to nail design?

  [Cardi B]: Long, always long.

  go-to = being the person or thing most trusted to accomplish a purpose; refer to the person or place that somebody goes to for help, advice or information.


  He’s the president’s go-to guy on Asian politics.

  It’s the go-to source for on-line hotel reviews.

  [Interviewer]: Who’s your favorite designer?

  [Cardi B]: I love them all!

  [Interviewer]: Pretty diplomatic answer.

  [Cardi B]: Yeah. – There’s a lot to choose from, I guess.

  diplomatic = having or showing skill in dealing with people in difficult situations


  You could try being a little more diplomatic this time.

  She is very direct. I tend to be more diplomatic. I suppose.


  [Interviewer]: Which of your songs is your favorite?

  [Cardi B]: They all my babies, I cannot choose between my kids.

  [Interviewer]: What’s your least favorite movie?

  [Cardi B]: My least favorite movie? I don’t know, I barely watch movies, so if I’m watching one, it has to be good.

  [Interviewer]: Who is the real Cardi B outside of the spotlight?

  [Cardi B]: I feel like I have a really chill side. I’m very balanced, I could be a little crazy, but if I don’t know you, I’m going to study you. I’m a big Libra.

  the spotlight = attention from newspapers, television and the public


  She was happy to share the spotlight with her sister.

  Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.

  Libra = a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 September and 22 October, approximately

  天秤座,就像她自己所说:“I’m very balanced.”

  [Interviewer]: In 100 years from now, how would you like to be remembered?

  [Cardi B]: I would like to be remembered as the girl next door that made it.

  make it = to be successful in your career


  He never really made it as an actor.

  I can see by looking around this room that you have really made it.

  [Interviewer]: So many people respect you for your determination to stop at nothing to get what you want. What kept you going all this time?

  [Cardi B]: What kept me going is the fact that I always knew I wanted children, so in order for me to have children, I knew I had to be stable. I know that I want to spoil my child for the rest of my life. And in order for me to spoil my child for the rest of my life, I have to have money, and make money for the rest of my life.

  stop at nothing = to be willing to do anything to get what you want, even if it is dishonest or wrong; to do whatever it takes to accomplish a task or goal.


  She’ll stop at nothing to make money.

  I assure you, ma’am, we will stop at nothing to catch that thief.

  I’m not surprised Tiffany started that nasty rumor about you—she’ll stop at nothing to become student council president.

  Bob is completely determined to get that promotion. He’ll stop at nothing.

  你有被直率的Cardi B和她魔性的笑声圈粉么?快去看看她的其他专访吧,虽然一场采访下来会被beep掉很多词,但是我们还是可以学到很多地道的表达的!


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