

2021-12-05 22:48



  看美剧或者电影的时候,经常听到一些不知道如何翻译的表达,有些貌似能在情景下理解,有些则是看字面意思完全一头雾水。比如FYI (for your information), 我们听多了大概知道说话人一般都很不耐烦或稍有生气,后面加以补充信息用来否定对方的话,但是直译下来怎么听都不太对劲。英文里这样的情况可不少,我们来看看下面有没有大家理解错的表达:

  1. Tell me about it.

  当别人跟你说了Tell me about it! 不是让你把刚才的事儿再细说一遍,而是表达一种赞同,类似“可不咋的么!对对对!没错” 它的意思是you understand what somebody is talking about and have had the same experience. 例如:

  ‘I get so annoyed with Steve!’

  ‘Tell me about it. He drives me crazy.’

  2. You can say that again.

  赞同某人,类似的还有这句。它的意思是I agree with you completely. 所以听到这句话,千万别真的say that again哇!例如:

  ‘Wow, that exam was brutally difficult.’

  ‘You can say that again! It was the hardest test I’ve ever taken.’

  3. You said it!

  又一个同意对方的表达!它表示You are absolutely right, I couldn’t agree more. I agree with your suggestion! 例如:

  ‘That was the most boring lecture I’ve ever heard.’ ‘You said it!’

  4. That makes two of us.

  下回想说me too的时候,换成这个听起来更地道哦!它的意思是It’s the same with me. I am in the same position or I agree with you. 例如:

  ‘I’m tired!’ ‘That makes two of us!’

  5. I’m good.

  I’m good可以用来回答How are you doing? 也可以表达I’m not sick or hurt. I’m all right. 让对方不用担心。同时,它也可以用来表达I do not need anything else; everything is satisfactory. 一般在对方offer you something的时候,跟No, thank you. 搭配使用来礼貌拒绝。例如:

  ‘Would you like anything else to eat or drink, sir?’

  ‘No thanks, I’m good.’

  6. Shut up!

  Shut up一般是很粗鲁的让对方闭嘴,但是跟熟悉的人聊天,当你说了一些让对方感到吃惊令他难以置信的话时,他可以说Shut up! 意思就跟咱们说“开玩笑呢吧!不是吧”差不多。但是仅限朋友间使用哦,否则可能会显得不礼貌。

  7. Get out of here!

  跟上面的用法一样,除了表示让对方“出去!”,它还是an exclamation of surprise, disbelief, or incredulity. 意思就是“别逗了,别扯了,不是真的吧!”例如:

  You just won the lottery? Get out of here!

  Sally’s brother is dating my cousin? Get out of here!

  8. Nice try.


  ‘What’s that behind you?’

  ‘Nice try.’ (nice try at making me turn round)

  ‘Mom, I can’t go to school, I have a headache.’

  ‘Yeah, nice try.’

  9. Perfect.


  You got fired, your girlfriend broke up with you, and then you found out your car just broke down.


  10. Say when.

  在剧情里大家都能理解它是什么意思,其实就是Tell me when to stop.“够了吱一声啊”(It is used to ask somebody to tell you when you should stop pouring a drink or serving food for them because they have enough)

  11. You had me at (something)

  曾经那句You had me at ‘hello’.被评为最美告白,它被翻译成“当你说你好的时候我就沦陷了。”其实这个句式不光可以用来表白哦,看它的英文解释:You convinced me of something or won me over when you said something in particular (mentioned after ‘at’). 例如:

  ‘Want to come over and go swimming? My parents aren’t around, and they left me money for food.

  ‘Hey, it’s 95 degrees. You had me at ‘swimming’. Be right over!’

  You had me at ‘free’. Where do I sign up?

  12. You lost me.

  这个不能翻译成“你失去我了”,而是用来表达“我跟不上你思路了,我听不懂了”或者“我对话题失去兴趣了,我掉线了”(I don’t understand anymore. I’ve become confused about or disinterested in what you’re saying.) 例如:

  I’m afraid you’ve lost me there.

  I was with you for most of the story, but you lost me when you started talking about vampires.

  I could tell by the expression on her students’ faces that she’d lost them.

  13. rock

  rock作为动词,可以表示something or somebody is very good! 例如:

  Her new movie rocks!

  You got me my favorite doughnut! You rock!

  I can’t believe you didn’t like that movie! It rocked!

  14. sick

  看到它不要只想到不好的意思,它还可以用来表示高度赞许!Very good, excellent, exceptionally cool! 例如:

  Snowboarders are doing sick tricks.

  Whoa, this movie looks sick! I can’t wait to go see it!

  Wow, you got into your dream school! That’s sick!



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