

2021-11-07 23:03



  1. lose face 丢脸,颜面尽失

  To be less respected or look stupid because of something you have done, be humiliated. 据说这个表达最早就是从中国传入的。例如:

  His terrible performance in the debate caused him to lose face with the voters.

  John is more afraid of losing face than losing money.

  Things will go better if you can explain to him where he was wrong without making him lose face.

  2.save (somebody’s) face 保住颜面

  To avoid or help somebody avoid embarrassment, do something in order to keep the respect of other people. 例如:

  She was fired, but she saved face by telling everyone she’d resigned.

  There’s no way for Judy to save her face now that the entire company knows she embezzled money.

  3. not just a pretty face 不光有张好看的脸,完全不是徒有其表

  It’s used to emphasize that you have particular skills, abilities or qualities beyond what was or may have been assumed. 例如:

  ‘Wow! I didn’t know you could play the piano.’ ‘I’m not just a pretty face, you know!’

  Sure, I know how to fix your computer. I’m not just a pretty face, you know!

  She’s not just another pretty face. The model makes her living these days as a highly regarded personal fitness trainer.

  4. piss (oneself) laughing 笑尿了

  (Rude slang) To laugh hysterically or uncontrollably. 经常用在进行时态,例如:

  Raj’s new boyfriend is hilarious. We were pissing ourselves laughing through the whole lunch!

  5. (be/ live) in a world of your own 活在自己的世界里

  If you are in a world of your own, you are so concerned with your own thoughts that you do not notice what is happening around you or you are unaware of or insensitive to your surroundings or the outside world in general. 例如:

  I’m not surprised he didn’t know about it — he lives in a world of his own, that boy.

  Helen lives in a world of her own, so it’s very difficult to talk to her about practical issues.

  6. as stubborn as a mule 像驴一样倔

  If someone is as stubborn as a mule, they are determined to do what they want and very unwilling to change their mind. 例如:

  My toddler is as stubborn as a mule, and he’ll throw a tantrum any time he doesn’t get what he wants.

  You’ll never get Rich to change his opinion — he’s stubborn as a mule.

  7. daylight robbery “怎么不去抢啊”

  The fact of somebody charging too much money for something.

  You wouldn’t believe some of the prices they charge — it’s pure daylight robbery.

  8. not (be able to) take your eyes off somebody / something 无法从…移开视线,目不转睛

  To find somebody / something so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time or to keep someone or something under continuous surveillance. 例如:

  She couldn’t take her eyes off the beautiful picture.

  I can’t take my eyes off my son for a second or he’ll wander off and get into trouble.

  9. smile/ grin/ beam from ear to ear 笑到嘴咧到耳朵根儿

  To be smiling, etc. a lot because you are very pleased about something. 例如:

  I like your graduation photo, with you grinning from ear to ear and your parents looking so proud.

  Tim was smiling from ear to ear when his bosses praised him during the ceremony.

  10. No can do. 不能干,干不了

  It’s used to say that you are not able or willing to do something. I can’t do that; that cannot be done; that’s not possible. 例如:

  Sorry, no can do. I just don’t have the time.

  When Bill asked me to write a speech, I told him bluntly no can do.


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