

2021-09-12 23:36



  Season 2 Episode 5:


  台词:What do you want revenge for? You’ve got a fur coat, a fancy car. Most people would kill for your life.

  would / could kill for something = to be willing to go to extremes to get something that one really wants or needs. (An exaggeration.) 夸张的表达自己为了得到某物而不惜一切,例如:

  I could kill for a cold beer.

  In those days, actors would kill to break into film.


  台词:There’s an Italian movie I’ve been dying to see. I believe it starts at 6:30.

  be dying for something / to do something = to want something or want to do something very much. 超级想做某事,例如:

  The kids were dying to go on another roller coaster.

  I’m dying to know what happened.

  I’m dying for a glass of water.


  台词:- I’m going to make you dinner. - Stop the presses! You cook?

  Stop the presses! = Stop! Hold everything! 将要说很重要的事情的时候会用到这个表达,例如:

  Stop the presses! The president’s daughter has been kidnapped!

  Everyone, stop the presses – there’s something I need to tell you.


  台词:- What’s going on? - Max just gave me the heave-ho. - Is there some lady out there who hates your guts?

  give somebody the (old) heave-ho = to dismiss somebody from their job; to end a relationship with somebody. 炒某人鱿鱼,与某人结束关系,例如:

  I can’t believe the boss gave me the old heave-ho after five years on the job!

  hate somebody’s guts = to dislike somebody very much, to feel nothing but hatred for somebody. 对某人恨之入骨,例如:

  I know for a fact that Stacy hates my guts. She told me to drop dead last time I saw her.

  You may hate my guts for saying so, but I think you’re getting gray hair.


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