
《致命女人》跟你说:Have a heart! 可不是“你长点儿心吧!”

2021-09-12 23:34



  Season 2 Episode 4:


  台词:The car’s registered to a Carol Yost in L.A. My Guess: She was on a road trip, fell asleep at the wheel, then drove into the lake.

  at / behind the wheel = driving a vehicle (and thus sitting at the steering wheel). 驾车,例如:

  Don’t worry, Katie’s at the wheel, and she is very good at driving in the snow.

  Who was at the wheel when the car crashed?

  This is the first time I’ve sat behind the wheel since the accident.

  The driver probably blacked out at the wheel.


  台词:Looks like she had company.

  company = the fact of being with somebody else and not alone. 有人陪伴,例如:

  She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when she is travelling.

  The children are very good company (= pleasant to be with) at this age.

  情节:Alma得知Garden Club成员要来家里突击检查,但是家里陈设太过平庸,于是Alma灵机一动,向邻居Yost女士“借”来精致的摆件,正好被Bertram撞见,他一头雾水问Alma这是干啥呢?

  台词:- I insist you tell me what’s going on! – If you must know, the ladies from the Garden Club are coming over today to judge us!

  if you must (do something) = used to say that somebody may do something but you do not really want them to, usually indicates the speaker’s reluctance. 勉强同意让某人做某事,例如:

  - All right, close the curtains if you must. - Thanks, the sun in my eyes was really bothering me.

  - Can I smoke? - If you must.

  It’s from my boyfriend, if you must know.

  情节:Rita发现了自己的gigolo Scooter背叛了自己,一怒之下要把他从租住的房子里赶出去。

  台词:- Oh, come on, Rita. Have a heart! – I do have a heart. It’s a shame you had to find out by breaking it.

  Have a heart! = used to ask somebody to be kind and / or reasonable. 行行好吧!发发慈悲吧!懂点儿事吧!做个人吧!例如:

  Your sister has a migraine, so have a heart and turn down the TV.

  Have a heart! I’ve got nowhere else to stay!

  If Anne had a heart, she’d volunteer to help us on the charity drive.


  台词:I’ve seen your acting. I wouldn’t be so quick to rule out a more viable career.

  rule out = to state that something is not possible or that somebody / something is not suitable. 排除,例如:

  Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered.

  The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive.

  The rainy weather ruled out a picnic for the weekend.


  台词:Mr. Loomis. Tell me her name, and I’ll make it worth your while.

  worth somebody’s while = interesting or useful for somebody to do, beneficial and not a waste of one’s time, worth one’s time and trouble. 做的很值,不白做,例如:

  It will be worth your while to come to the meeting.

  He’ll do the job if you make it worth his while (pay him well).

  The job pays so badly it’s not worth your while even going for an interview.

  It’s not worth Mary’s while going all that way just for a one-hour meeting.

  情节:Dee约侦探出来吃饭作为first date,但是饭桌上侦探一言不发很不在状态。

  台词:Okay, what gives? Ever since you got here, I’ve been doing all the talking.

  What gives? = What is happening? / What is the news? / What is going on? / What is the problem or issue? 怎么了?发生什么了?例如:

  OK, what gives, Sarah? You’ve been in a foul mood all day.

  Hey, what gives? My computer just shut off on its own!

  I haven’t seen you for a few weeks! What gives? (as a friendly greeting)


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