

2021-09-12 23:32



  Season 2 Episode 3:

  情节:Alma和 Bertram把偷听的邻居埋在花园后,女儿Dee不经意的一句话让两位想起,这位邻居还有一只狗……

  台词:Did something happen to Mrs. Yost? I just passed by her house and Rocco’s in there barking like crazy.

  like crazy / mad = very fast, hard, much, etc. to an exceeding degree. 过头的,很大声,很快,很努力等,例如:

  We worked like crazy to get it done on time.

  I had to run like mad to catch the bus.

  情节:Rita和Garden Club的ladies在家里开会,Catherine突然出现要找她聊一聊这个club在唐人街某个公寓的开销。为了不让自己的gigolo暴露,她灵机一动谎称Carlo酗酒家暴。

  台词:- Rita, one quick question. – Uh, we were just wrapping up here, so if you can wait till we’re done.

  wrap something up = to complete something such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way, to put the finishing touches on something. 结束,收尾,例如:

  You go on ahead, I just need to wrap up some work before I head home.

  OK, everyone, let’s wrap it up for tonight.


  台词:You’ve gotten away with how many murders? Honestly, I don’t know how you managed without me.

  get away with something = to do something wrong and not be punished for it. 做错事后却侥幸逃脱免受惩罚,例如:

  Don’t try to cheat, you’ll never get away with it.

  Nobody gets away with insulting me like that.

  You got lucky when you ran that red light. Next time you might not get away with it.


  台词:I’ve got the most perfect dress. I’m really going to doll it up for you.

  doll somebody / yourself up = to make somebody / yourself look attractive for a party, etc, with fashionable clothes. 为某种场合精心打扮,例如:

  Are you getting dolled up for the party?

  I got all dolled up for my date, and then he canceled on me at the last minute.

  Why are you dolling yourself up like that today? Are you going out after work?


  台词:I was grateful. I reinvented myself. Lost my accent, learned how to dress, but no matter what I did, Carlo still treated me like I was the same stupid cocktail waitress he met in El Paso. I tried to love him, but I couldn’t.

  reinvent something / yourself (as something) = to present yourself / something in a new form or with a new image, to make over completely. 完全改装,改头换面,例如:

  The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.

  He reinvented African music for American listeners.


  台词:Father said he was a fortune hunter, why else would a man like that choose me.

  fortune hunter = a person who tries to become rich by marrying somebody with a lot of money. 想借助婚姻发家致富的人,后面Catherine也称Rita为gold digger. 例如:

  He only wants you for your monkey, because he’s just a big fortune hunter.


  台词:This isn’t our second honeymoon, it’s our first crime spree. You speak about ‘old times’ as if we can just turn back the clock, but I can’t.

  put / turn the clock back = to return to a situation that existed in the past; to remember a past age 回到过去,时光倒流,想到过去的某段时光,例如:

  I wish we could turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance.


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