

2021-09-12 23:31



  Season 2 Episode 2:


  台词:In fact, Alma Fillcot had not slept a wink all night long.

  not sleep a wink = not get / have a wink of sleep = to not be able to sleep. 无法入睡,例:

  I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night.

  I hardly slept a wink.


  台词:My tux is a goner. Guess I’ll have to call it a night.

  call it a night = to end what one is doing at night and go (home) to bed. 今晚到此为止,例:

  I’m too tired to keep looking at these numbers, so let’s call it a night.


  台词:Oh, and I’d kill for a cup of coffee if there’s a fresh pot somewhere.

  would / could kill for something = to be willing to go to extremes to get something that one really wants or needs. (An exaggeration.) 很夸张的表达自己非常想要某物,例:

  I’m so jealous—I’d kill for a chance to go to Brazil for a month!


  台词:You put her to sleep? Like she was a dog?

  put something to sleep = to kill a sick or injured animal by giving it drugs so that it dies without pain. People say ‘put to sleep’ to avoid saying ‘kill’. 动物的安乐死,如果用在人身上,一般指手术前的麻醉。例:

  The poor dog was so old that the only thing I could do was put it to sleep.


  台词:Since I’m still married, we’ll need a cover story to explain you being there.

  cover story = a story that is invented in order to hide something, especially a person’s identity or their reasons for doing something. 为了隐藏身份或动机而编造的打掩护的故事,为掩饰错误而编造的借口,例:

  Our cover story is that we had car trouble and that’s why we’re coming home past curfew, OK?

  情节:Catherine见Rita迫不及待的想让她带Carlo回到Texas, 便怀疑Rita是否在用爸爸的钱包养小鲜肉。

  台词:You seem awfully eager to get him out of your hair. Do you have some gigolo waiting in the wings?

  get out of one’s hair = to let someone stop annoying oneself, to let someone not be one’s responsibility or burden any longer. 摆脱某人,例:

  Can you please get the kids out of my hair for a few hours so I can go and get a relaxing massage by myself?

  waiting in the wings = ready to take over a particular job or be used in a particular situation when needed. 随时待命, 等待时机(以接手某项工作等),例:

  Jane was waiting in the wings, hoping that a member of the hockey team would drop out and she would get a place on the team.

  My assistant is waiting in the wings to take my job once I retire.


  台词:So that’s your plan? To inherit the whole shebang yourself?

  the whole shebang = the whole thing; everything. 全部,所有一切,例:

  While I’m in London, I want to see Big Ben, the palace, the whole shebang.

  Mary’s all set to give a fancy dinner party. She’s got a fine tablecloth, good crystal, and silverware, the whole shebang.

  How much do you want for the whole shebang?


  台词:Dad I’m so disappointed in you! You’ve been seeing another woman!

  see somebody = to spend time with somebody, usually having a romantic relationship. 与某人共度时光,通常指约会,恋爱,例:

  Are you seeing anyone right now?


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