

2020-01-07 10:51




  1.race:① 竞赛(n.) a horse-race ② 种族(n.) people of mixed race

  2.raise:① 提高、举起(vt.) Raise your voice to make yourself heard.② 饲养;抚养(vt.) My mother raised pigs at the countryside.③ 筹集;集资(vt.) The man raised money to build a primary school..

  3.room (熟义:n. 房间 )n. 空间There is no room for so many people.

  4.rough:① 粗糙的(adj.)Touch the ball and tell me whether it is rough or smooth.②艰辛的(adj.)Life is rough.

  5.run (熟义:v. 跑,行驶 )v. 经营,管理;He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的方法。

  6.regular:① 规则的(adj.)The man does regular exercise to keep fit.② 定期的、定时的(adj.)He goes to work by regular bus.③ 照例的、经常的(adj.)Mary is a regular customer in the shop.

  7.realize:① 认识到(vt.) Only then did I realize I was wrong.② 实现(vt.) He realized his dream of being a doctor.


  1.save:① 拯救、救(vt.)He jumped into water and saved the drowning man.② 节约(vt.) Save water,please.③ 储蓄(vt.) The girl saves some money for travel.

  2.serve:① 服务、服役(vt.) He served in the army during the war.② 供(某人)饭菜、上菜(vt.) Learn to serve at table.

  3.see (熟义:v. 看见 )v. 见证The year 2004 saw the improvement of human rights in China. 2004年见证了中国人权的进步。

  4.sentence (熟义:n. 句子)v. 判决,宣判He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000 pounds. 他被判罚款1000英镑。

  5.separate (熟义:v. 分离,分开)adj. 各自的,独立的,单独存在的We can’t work together any more; I think it’s time we went our separate ways. 我们再也不能在一起工作了,我看得各奔东西了。

  6.settle (熟义:v. 定居,稳定,安定 )v. 解决,处理It’s time you settled your dispute with him. 现在你该跟他把争端解决了。

  7.service① 服务(n.) The food is good at the hotel,but the service is poor.②公用事业的业务或工作状态(n.) a bus/train service

  8.since:① 自从……(以来)I have worked in the company since I graduated from college.② 既然 Since you like the car,why don`t you buy it?

  9.suggest (熟义:v. 建议,提议 ) v. 暗示,表明His cool response suggested that he didn’t like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意。

  10.stage:① 舞台(n.) be/go on the stage 登台表演② 阶段(n.) at an early stage in our history 在我们历史发展的早期

  11.spare:① 业余的(adj.) I collect stamps in my spare time.② 多余的(adj.)I have no spare money this month.③ 拨出,匀出(vt.) Can you spare me some time?④ 过剩,有余(vt.) spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力做某事

  12.stand:① 站 (vi) She stood there for two hours.② 忍受(vt.) I can`t stand you.③ 架(n.) a hat/coat stand ④ 摊(n.) a market stand

  13.still① 仍然、还(adv.) He is still a child,don`t scold him too much.② 静的,不动的(adj.)Please keep still while I take your photograph.

  14.sign:① 符号、招牌(n.) Can you see that traffic sign?it says “Slow down.”② 签名、签字(vt.) Sign your name here.

  15.study:① 学习,研究 (n.) The little boy is fond of study. ② 学习,研究vt..) I am studying how to swim.

  16.should:① 应该 You should clean your classroom every day.② 竟然 I can`t believe that he should speak to his parents like that.

  17.spring:① 春天(n.) The weather is warm in spring.②泉水(n.) a hot spring 温泉

  18.sense:① 感觉 (n.) The blind have a keen sense of hearing.② 意识 (n.) comman sense

  19.some:① 一些 Give me some paper,please.② 某一 (在单数可数名词之前)Some Mr.Smith is waiting for you.

  20.support:① 支持(vt./n.) The chair can`t suport you two---you are too heavy. ② 赡养(vt.) He has a big family to suport.

  21.strike (struck、struck)① 打、击、敲(vt.) The stone struck me on the head.② 袭击、攻击(vt.) A heavy storm struck the village.③ 罢工(n.) a strike by bus drivers be/go on strike 举行罢工

  22.state:① 国家、州(n.) There are fifty states in America.② 状态 (n.) The old man is in a poor state of health.③ 陈述、阐述(vt.)He stated his view the medicine could be used in curing cancer.


  1.tell (熟义:v. 告诉) v. 讲述,分辨,判断,确定Who can tell which is right and which is wrong. 谁能判断那个对那个错。

  2.touch (熟义:v. 接触,碰;感动 )n. 联系Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area. 我们总公司可安排你与当地分公司取得联系。

  3.turn (熟义:v. 转变 )v. 达到或超过(某年龄或时间) n. 依次,轮流She turned forty last june. 她在刚过去的六月满四十岁。Whose turn is it to do the washing-up? 轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?

  4.train:① 训练(vt.) He was trained as a engineer.② 火车(一列)(n.) I went home by train last week.

  5.though:① 虽然 (连词)She came to help me,though she was very busy.② 可是 (副词)She promised to call,I heard nothing ,though.

  6.treat:① 对待(vt.) The woman treats the baby as her own child.② 治疗(vt.)She was treated for sunstroke.(中暑)


  1.watch (熟义:v. 观看 n. 手表 )v. 留心;注意We will have to watch the children in case they get too tired.我们得照看着孩子,别让他们太累了。

  2.when (熟义:conj. 当…时候)conj. 那时突然;既然,考虑到I was about to leave when it began to rain. 我正想要离开,突然下起雨来。

  3.while (熟义:conj. 当… 时候 )conj. 然而;尽管,虽然I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我没说这些问题不能解决。

  4.wonder (熟义:v. 想知道)v. 感到惊奇,惊叹We wondered at the speed with which it arrived. 我们赞叹其到达速度之快。

  5.word (熟义:n. 单词,话 )n. 消息(不可数名词)Word came that I was needed at home. 有信儿来说家里需要我。

  6.would:① 表示过去将来时 He would attend the meeting if he had time.② 过去常常 The old woman would ordered a cup of tea every time she came to the resturant.③ 愿意 I would like to invite you to my house this week.

  7.will① 将(一般将来时)I will stay at home if it rains .② 意志(品质)(n.) The old woman has a strong will.③ 愿望(n.)against one`s will违反某人的意愿

  8.well①好地(adv) He can play football very well.②井(n.) The water in the well is very cool.


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