

2020-01-07 10:51




  1.make (熟义:v. 制造;使) v. 演变成(某事物),结果是If you train hard, you will make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员。

  2.manner (熟义:n. 方式,方法) manners 礼貌Aren’t you forgetting your manners? 你是不是没礼貌了?

  3.mean (熟义:v. 意味着;打算) adj. 吝啬的;卑鄙的 He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him.

  4.meet:① 遇见、遇到(vt.) He met an old friend yesterday.② 满足In order to meet the needs of the readers we will reprint the bestseller.③ (在车站、机场) 接(人)I will meet you at the airport.

  5.match:① 比赛(n.) There will be a basketball match on Saturday.②火柴(n.) He stroke a match to light up the room.③与….相配 The hat matches her dress very well.

  6.mine (熟义:pron. 我的)n & v. 采矿, 矿 When a gold mine was discovered in California,there was a gold rush.在California发现金矿后,人们都去掏金了。

  7.miss (熟义:v. 想念) v. 错过,未击中,未看见He shot at the bird but missed. 他打鸟未打中。He missed the point of my joke. 他没有听懂我讲的笑话。


  1.narrow (熟义:adj. 狭窄的) adj. 勉强的,几乎未成的He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差点儿淹死

  2.nature:① 自然 (n.) You can get close to nature during holiday.② 本质 (n.) It`s his nature to be kind to people.

  3.notice (熟义:v & n. 注意) n. 布告;通知He received two month’s notice to leave the job. 他收到两个月后解雇的通知。


  1.once (熟义:adv. 曾经,一度) conj. 一旦Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. 一旦明白了这条规则,就再也没有困难了。

  2.operate (熟义:v. 动手术) v. 操作,操纵;管理 ,经营 He operates the lift. 他是开电梯的。They operate three factories and a huge warehouse. 他们管着三家工厂和一个大仓库。

  3.order (熟义:n & v. 命令) n.次序;秩序/点菜 n & v.订购 Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes. 有些老师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。We ordered two glasses of milk and some bread.


  1.park (熟义:n. 公园) v. 停车;(暂时)留下(某人),寄存(某物)Your car is very badly parked. 你的汽车停放得不好。Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea. 你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。

  2.passage (熟义:n. 段落,节) n. 通道,走廊;旅费They forced a passage through the crowd. 他们在人群中挤出一条路。

  3.plant (熟义:n&v. 植物;种植) n. 工厂 How much steel can be made in the steel plant?这钢铁厂能产钢多少?

  4.position (熟义:n. 位置) n. 职位,工作;立场,观点He applied for the position of assistant manager. 他申请副经理一职。

  5.pretty (熟义:adj. 漂亮的,可爱的) adv. 相当She seemed pretty satisfied with the result. 她对那结果似乎相当满意。

  6.promise (熟义:v. 答应;诺言) v. 有希望 It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖。There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work. 你的工作还有很多改进的余地。

  7.perform:① 表演(vt.) They are performing the play The Merchant of Venice.② 表现(vi) He performed well in the contest.

  8.present:① 礼物 (n.) He sent me a present for my birthday.② 在场的、出席的(adj.)There were 200 people present at the meeting.③ 目前,当前(n.)I am afraid I can`t help you at present----I am too busy ④ 提出、介绍(vt.) He presented his report to the manager when he finished it

  9.power:① 力量 (n.) It`s beyond my power to do this.② 动力(n.) wind power ③ 权利(n.)

  10.place:① 地方(n.) Qingdao is a good place to live in.② 放置(vt.) When he came in,he placed his bag on the table.

  11.point:① 指(出)(vi.) The clock hands pointed to twelve.② 点(n.) Two point six 2.6③要点、论点(n.) Let`s stop discussing the useless problem and come to the point.


  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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