
“music to ears”你知道什么意思?关于音乐的趣味俚语表达

2019-07-10 14:08



  – ‘Cat Got Your Tongue’ by Fujiya and Miyagi


  ‘Has the cat got your tongue?’ meaning to be speechless or unable to speak. (In other words: ‘Why won’t you say anything?’)

  The cat got your tongue意为一言不发或不讲话。(换言之,“你为何一言不发?”)

  ‘Cry Me a River’ by Justin Timberlake


  ‘Cry me a river’ meaning to cry excessively in someone’s presence in order to obtain sympathy.

  Cry me a river意为为博他人同情而过度悲恸。

  ‘By Myself’ by Linkin Park


  ‘Do I try to catch them red-handed?’ meaning to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong.

  ''还是想要把他们抓个正着?''catch them red-handed意为某人做坏事时被抓个正着。

  ‘White Flag’ by Dido


  ‘There will be no white flag above my door’ (raise a white flag) meaning to show sign of surrender or truce.

  ''我家门上不会挂白旗'',white flag意为投降或休战。

  ‘Time after Time’ by Cyndi Lauper


  ‘Time after time’ meaning again and again, repeatedly.

  Time after time意为一次次地。

  ‘Louise’ by The Human League


  ‘It’s not true that time heals all wounds’ meaning feelings of emotional hurt will leave as time passes.

  ''时间并非真能治愈一切伤痛'',time heals all wounds意为时间能够治愈一切。

  ‘Funny How Time Flies (When You’re Having Fun)’ by Janet Jackson


  Ain’t it funny how time flies’ meaning how quickly time passes by.

  Time flies意为时间过得真快呀。

  ‘Because of You’ by Kelly Clarkson


  I learnt to play on the safe side’ meaning to be extremely cautious in order to stay safe.

  “我学会安全地游戏人生”,play on the safe side意为十分谨慎以保安全。

  ‘Hit The Road Jack’ by Ray Charles


  ‘Hit the road Jack’ meaning to leave immediately without the intention of returning (usually used as an order).

  Hit the road意为立即出发且不再返回(多为命令)。

  ‘Right Place, Wrong Time’ by Dr. John


  ‘In the right place at the wrong time’ – this is a combination of two idioms, which are ‘in the right place at the right time’ (when something good happens by luck) and ‘in the wrong place at the wrong time’ (when something bad happens by chance/unlucky).

  In the right place at the wrong time由in the right place at the right time(有好事发生)和in the wrong place at the wrong time(不幸发生坏事)两个惯用语组成。

  ‘Wrong’ by Depeche Mode


  ‘I was in the wrong place at the wrong time’ – meaning when something bad happens by chance or something unlucky that would not have normally happened.

  In the wrong place at the wrong time意为碰巧发生了坏事或是发生了罕见的不幸。

  ‘Lost out over You’ by Novastar


  ‘We have other fish to fry’ – meaning we have other/more important things to do.

  “我们还有别的鱼要炸”,other fish to fry意为我们还有别的/更重要的事要做。

  ‘Linger’ by The Cranberries


  ‘You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger’ meaning to manipulate and control someone.

  “你把我缠在你的小指头上”,wrapped around your little finger意为操纵、控制某人。

  ‘Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat It’ by Brenda Taylor


  ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too’ meaning you can’t have or do two good things at the same time that are impossible or unfair to have or do at the same time.

  “你不能既吃蛋糕又保留蛋糕”, You can’t have your cake and eat it too意为你不能同时拥有或做两件事。

  ‘If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time’ by R Kelly


  ‘If I could turn back the hands of time’ meaning to go back in the past. Usually used in moments of reminiscence or regret.

  “若能重返过去”, If I could turn back the hands of time意为回到过去,常用于追忆往事或遗憾。

  ‘I Had the Time of My Life’ by Patrick Swayze (Dirty Dancing)


  ‘I had the time of my life’ meaning to enjoy yourself thoroughly, have the best time ever.

  “我一生最快乐的时光”, I had the time of my life意为好好享受,度过一段好时光。

  ‘When it’s Raining Cats and Dogs’ by PM Dawn


  ‘When it’s raining cats and dogs’ when there is torrential rain or raining very heavily.

  “大雨滂沱时”,raining cats and dogs 意为暴雨如注。

  ‘It’s Raining Men’ by The Weather Girls (originally) also by Gerri Halliwell


  ‘It’s raining men’ – used in a situation when there are many attractive men around.

  It’s raining men用于形容附近有很多英俊男子。

  ‘Leave No Stone Unturned’ by Europe


  ‘Leave no stone unturned’ meaning to search in every possible way for evidence or the truth.

  Leave no stone unturned意为不遗余力地寻找证据或真相。

  ‘Taking Care of Business’ by Bachman-Turner Overdrive


  ‘Taking care of business’ meaning to do what needs to be done.

  Taking care of business意为完成应该做的事。

  ‘Water Under the Bridge’ by Olivia Newton-John


  ‘It’s all water under the bridge’ meaning it’s all in the past, long gone and forgotten about.

  It’s all water under the bridge意为过去的事,很早之前的事,早就遗忘的事。

  ‘Take it Easy’ by The Eagles


  ‘Take it easy’ meaning relax and stay calm.

  Take it easy意为放松下来,保持镇定。

  ‘I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair’ by South Pacific


  ‘I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair’ meaning to finish with someone and want nothing else to do with them.

  I’m gonna wash that man right outta my hair意为和某人断个干净,不再有关联。

  ‘Alienated’ by Keri Hilson


  ‘You’ve become a shooting star’ referring to someone who is rapidly rising to fame.

  “成为一颗流星”,shooting star指某人迅速成名。

  ‘Alejandro’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘Nothing to lose’ meaning to take a risk because things could not possibly get any worse.

  “再无可失”,Nothing to lose意为冒险一试,因为事情不会变得更糟了。

  ‘Fancy Pants’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘Fancy pants’ referring to someone who acts in a manner which others think is overly elaborate or pretentious.

  Fancy pants意指某人行事方式过于复杂或做作。

  ‘Poker Face’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘Poker face’ meaning when someone’s face has no expression and does not give away any sign of emotion. Most commonly used in the context of playing a poker game in order to disguise the true value of your cards.

  Poker face指某人面无表情,不露任何情感。多用于扑克游戏,某人面无表情,隐藏卡片价值。

  ‘Monster’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘He’s a wolf in disguise’ referring to someone who is an evil or dangerous person who pretends to be nice and friendly. It comes from an old fable ‘about a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing’, and the children’s story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

  “他是一匹善于伪装的狼”,a wolf in disguise用来描述邪恶之人将自己伪装成善良友好之人。这一习语出自一则古老寓言《披着羊皮的狼》以及儿童读物《小红帽》.

  ‘Red and Blue’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘I’m old school’ meaning traditional thinking or behaviour. This can be used in a positive (efficient ideas that work) or a negative way (backwards, living in the past).

  “我是守旧派”,I’m old school意为思想传统、行事保守。可用于褒义(想法行之有效),也可用于贬义(退步、守旧)。

  ‘Star Struck’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘Starstruck’ meaning to be completely in awe of someone’s celebrity status.

  Star struck意为沉迷追星,不能自拔。

  ‘Wonderful’ by Lady Gaga


  ‘I’m talking in circles’ meaning to talk a lot and not really say anything of meaning.

  “我只是在兜圈子”talking in circles意为说了很多没价值的话。

  ‘Jammin’ by Bob Marley


  ‘We’re jammin’ or ‘jam session’ refers to an informal session where musicians play together.

  “我们在即兴演奏” jamming or jam session指摇滚爵士音乐的即席演奏会。

  ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ by Bonnie Tyler


  ‘Every now and then I fall apart’ meaning when something (can be used for objects when they stop working) or someone fails to function properly (mainly emotionally for people).

  '动不动我就会崩溃”,fall apart意为一些人无法进行正常工作(主要是情绪化)。


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