

2016-11-10 11:16



  【Hillary发表败选演说】It must have been extremely hard to concede defeat to Donald Trump, but she did it, with grace. She's a fighter. 无论如何,希拉里作为世界政坛上杰出的女性领导人,还是令人敬佩的!我来节选,感受一下现场:【Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech】

  Thank you.


  Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

  Very rowdy group.

  Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much for being here. And I love you all, too.

  Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful President for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for. And I’m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.

  But I feel, I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together – this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.



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