2016-01-29 14:13
7. Coca-Cola created Coke Zero for men because they associated Diet Coke with women. In fact there is no any difference except pleasing your ears.
7. Diet Coke针对女性,所以可口可乐公司也生产了Coke Zero针对男性。事实上除了可以取悦你的耳朵之外,这两种可乐没有任何区别。
8. 3.1% of all beverages consumed around the world are Coca-Cola products.Every day 55 billion different beverages are drunk by people all over the world, 1.7 billion are tradmarked or licensed drinks of Coca-Cola Company.
8. 全世界饮料消耗中3.1%都是可口可乐的产品。每天全世界的人要喝掉将近550亿不同的饮料。其中17亿饮料或是拥有可口可乐商标又或是获可口可乐公司准许的饮料。
9. The red and white Coca-Cola logo is recognized by 94% of the world's population.Many people consume it daily!
9. 全球94%的人认识红白相间的可口可乐商标。并且有许多人每天都在喝!
10. Around the world, the average person consumes a Coke product every four days.No wonder, they spend on advertising more than Apple and Microsoft combined.
10. 从全球范围来看,平均每人每四天要喝一瓶可乐。难怪可口可乐公司花费在广告上的钱比苹果和微软加起来的总和还要多。