2016-01-29 14:13
4. There are only 2 countries in the entire world that do not sell Coca Cola – North Korea and Cuba.Both countries are under long-term trade American embargoes. If you find it in any of these two countries, be sure it was brought by smugglers.
4. 全世界只有两个地方不卖可口可乐——朝鲜和古巴。这两个国家都处于长期美国禁运。如果你在这两个国家发现可口可乐,那么一定是走私者带进来的。
5. Coca Cola produces so many different products that if you were to drink one each day, it would take you 9 years to try them all. Would you dare to try such an experiment with your health?
5. 可口可乐公司生产了如此多不同的产品以至于如果你想每天喝一种,你要花九年时间才能把它们全部喝完。你是否敢用自己的健康做赌注来进行这种尝试?
6. Coca-Cola would be green if coloring were not added to it. It could be a perfect drink for St. Patrick Day then!
6. 如果不加着色剂的话可口可乐是绿色的。那它就会成为圣帕特里克节(一个以绿色为主的美国节日)的绝佳饮料。