2015-08-19 09:48
Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris (NBC)
Premieres: Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 10/9c
If there was ever a person suited to bring back the variety show, it's Neil Patrick Harris. The Emmy- and Tony Award-winning actor is a singer, dancer, magician and just generally a doer of funny things. Based on the popular British series Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, Best Time Ever features appearances by stars, stunts, comedy skits, incredible performances, mini game shows, audience giveaways and hidden camera pranks. If you can think of it, it'll probably pop up on this hour-long series.
要说谁最适合主持这档综艺节目的话,那么这人必定是Neil Patrick Harris不可了。这名艾美奖与托尼奖的双料得主可谓是多才多艺,唱、跳、变魔术、搞怪那可是样样精通。这部综艺节目基于英国著名的节目《Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway》,节目中将有各路明星的加盟,还穿插一系列特技表演、相声表演、迷你小游戏、观众互动、幽默恶作剧等等。只有你想不到的东西,没有这档节目做不到的东西。