2015-06-30 09:46
3. The casting for season 6 re-confirms the most over-confirmed fan theory of all-time
Season 5 did something weird, something that hadn't been done in the TV show - it had a flashback, to the time Cersei visited Maggy the Frog and the swamp-witch told her how crummy her life was going to be (there were some specifics, but it's besides the point). And, based on the casting notices that have gone out for season 6 of Game of Thrones, they're gonna do it again.
But this one's gonna be DIFFERENT - book readers knew about the whole Maggy the Frog thing - season 6 looks like it will be portraying a flashback to a scene that has never been written about in the books (except obliquely) and might be the most important moment in modern Westerosi history: the clash at the Tower of Joy.
Quick explanation: towards the end of Robert's Rebellion, Ned Stark (RIP), Howland Reed (dad to those two weird swamp-psychics who hung out with Bran), and some others arrived at the tower to rescue Ned's sister, Lyanna, who was being held there by members of the Kingsguard, including Ser Arthur Dayne - who known as the Sword of the Morning, as he wielded the sword, Dawn (which - according to legend - was forged from a falling star), and was heralded as one of the finest knights and deadliest fighters there ever were. Ned 'n his squad took on Dayne and his crew, and in the end the only survivors were Ned and Howland. They reached Lyanna, but she was dying, made Ned promise her some stuff, yadda yadda yadda.
快速地解释一下: 在劳勃的叛乱之战的尾声,奈德·史塔克(逝者安息)及霍兰·黎德(跟布兰一起玩的那两个奇怪的有特殊沼泽地超能力的小孩的爸爸),和还有一些其他人一起到极乐塔营救奈德的妹妹,被三名御林铁卫关押劫持着的莱安娜。这三名御林铁卫中包括亚瑟·戴恩爵士——人称拂晓神剑,这一名号源自其所挥舞的巨剑“黎明”(根据传说这是一柄由陨铁铸造的双手巨剑,平时亚瑟将它挎在背上。),民间流传他是最出色的骑士之一,也是一位史无前例的无畏勇士。奈德和他的小队最后战胜了戴恩几人,但只有奈德和霍兰活了下来。等他们找到莱安娜的时候,她已经快死了,她临死前让奈德做了些承诺,吧啦吧啦吧。
The popular, well-founded fan theory that goes along with this is that Lyanna was lying in a pool of blood due to complications with her birth...to Jon Snow. She made Ned promise to protect the child from Robert, who - if he knew Lyanna had had a child with his enemy Rhaegar Targaryen - would have the child killed. So Ned pretended Jon was HIS bastard child to save Jon's life, and here we are today.
Why do we think the first scene of season 6 will be a flashback to this moment?
Because of this casting notice:
Legendary Fighter: A man in his thirties or forties who is a great swordsman and a paragon of knighthood. He carries a hugely famous sword on his back. The show is seeking a very impressive swordsman for the role- the best in Europe, for a week of filming fight scenes for a season 6 role. His ethnicity/race isn't specified, unlike many other roles.
First off, it was included in a casting round-up where MOST of the characters were named - for a character who is the paragon of knighthood and carries a hugely famous sword, you'd think this character was important enough to be named...unless they were worried the name would give away the secret (here's a video on House Dayne if you were curious about them and why Dawn was such a hugely famous sword).
The point is - if they're revealing Jon's true parentage by flashing back to the Tower of Joy, it's for a reason. And that reason isn't going to be to rub salt in the wounds of Jon Snow fans.
首先,大多数的演员招募信息都是会标明角色名称的——尤其是一个作为骑士中的典型代表人物,还背着一把名震四方的大剑,按照常理说,这么重要的角色应该有名有姓,除非……他们怕名字会透露剧情发展(如果你想进一步了解戴恩和他那把名剑,这里有段关于戴恩家族的视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9GReDKiKMc)。关键是,他们这么做一定是有原因的,比如说通过拍个在极乐塔的倒叙回忆讲一下琼恩的身世。这样一来,就不会是在琼恩·雪诺的粉丝们的伤口上撒盐啦。