
2017苹果全球开发者大会 盘点Apple出了啥?

2017-06-09 11:29



  AR on Your iPhone


2017苹果全球开发者大会 盘点Apple出了啥?

  Using computer vision, your iPhone can now detect surfaces and add AR objects on top of them—like putting an AR coffee cup on top of an IRL table. Now hundreds of millions of iPhones and iPads will have AR capabilities, making Apple the largest AR platform in the world.


  Siri Intelligence


  Siri has a new, more humanlike voice with way more functionality. Ask the virtual assistant to translate for you (“Hey Siri, how do I say ‘Where’s the bathroom’ in Chinese?”) in five new languages. There are new capabilities like task management, banking, and bringing up VR codes. Apple’s also ramped up Siri’s intelligence: Now, the assistant can learn how you use your device to better anticipate your needs. If Siri notices you’ve been spending a lot of time searching for “hotels in Iceland,” it might bring up some Iceland-related articles in Apple News.


  iPad Pro 10.5-inch

  10.5英寸的苹果平板电脑(iPad Pro)

2017苹果全球开发者大会 盘点Apple出了啥?

  An all new iPad Pro takes the all-screen computer concept to the next level with a model that’s truly all screen. The new 10.5-inch iPad is almost exactly the same size as the 9.7″model, but without bezels. There’s enough room on that screen to fit a full-size on-screen keyboard, and Apple says it’s the fastest model yet, with a six-core A10X Fusion. It also brings HDR video to an iPad for the first time.

  苹果的新款iPad Pro系列平板电脑用真正的全面屏机型把全面屏电脑概念推向了一个新的高度。新款的10.5英寸的平板电脑与9.7英寸的机型的尺寸几乎一样,但新款的平板电脑没有嵌玻璃凹槽。新款的显示屏上有足够的空间来容纳原尺寸的屏幕键盘,而且苹果公司表示新款的平板电脑加载了六核的A10X Fusion芯片,是迄今为止运行最快的机型。苹果公司还首次为平板电脑引入了HDR(高动态范围)视频。



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