

2018-12-28 10:58



  “All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” is an adorable song coming from a second-grader. From a full grown man, not so much.


  So imagine Kansas resident Evans Kamuru’s despair when, last year, he lost his two front teeth in a showdown with — what else? — stubborn gift wrap.


  In a botched attempt to cut through tape, he used his chompers.


  “Not the best idea,” Kamuru tells his WDAF-TV, his local Fox affiliate. “And as I was doing it, I felt something literally fly out of my mouth. Right on the carpet was my right upper front tooth.”


  Days later in early 2018, his other front tooth fell out when he bit into a waffle. Kamuru then considered dental implants for his teeth, which had previously been crowned, but it would be too expensive. With a wife, two daughters and 5-year-old son, Zeke, who has autism and requires therapy, the family’s budget is tight.


  For now, he’s using a temporary device called a flipper — a whitish plastic piece which takes up the space where his tooth used to live. It’s only cosmetic, and has to be removed before meals.

  目前,他正在使用一种叫做flipper 的临时装置,这是一种白色的塑料片状物,占据了他原来牙齿的位置。这只是装饰品,饭前必须摘掉。

  Still, he has some residual good cheer — and posted a video to Facebook, singing, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.”


  Little did he know it would catch the attention of the Gospel Outreach Center of Kansas City, where the Kamurus go to church.


  The family attended the center’s Christmas dinner and talent show, “and at the end of it, they handed me a check” worth about $14,550, says Kamuru. The money, donated by some 300 friends and family members, will first pay for his dental implants. The rest will help cover medical bills for Zeke’s care.


  On top of that, Gordon Dental of Leawood, Kan. gave Kamuru a roughly $6,000 discount, bringing his out-of-pocket costs down to about $1,800.


  Karmuru says he’s thankful for his community, where he says people help each other all the time.


  “Just to think that they went out of their way to do this for us is very touching and humbling.”



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