

2018-12-13 13:51



  Dan Buettner has studied five places around the world where residents are famed for their longevity: Okinawa in Japan, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Icaria in Greece, and Loma Linda in California and Sardinia in Italy.

  Dan Buettner曾研究过世界五处以长寿著称的地方:日本的冲绳,哥斯达黎加的尼科亚,希腊的伊卡利亚,加利福尼亚的罗马琳达和意大利的撒丁岛。

  People living in these so-called “blue zones” have certain factors in common – social support networks, daily exercise habits and a plant-based diet, for starters. But they share another unexpected commonality. In each community, people are gardening well into old age – their 80s, 90s and beyond.

  生活在这些所谓的“蓝色区域”的人们享有一些共同特征,最基本的包括社交支持网络,日常运动习惯和基于植物的饮食。 但他们有着另一个意想不到的共性。 即在每个社区,当地人都热衷于园艺,一直到老年——80岁、90岁甚至更老。

  Could nurturing your green thumb help you live to 100?


  It is well-known that an outdoor lifestyle with moderate physical activity is linked to longer life, and gardening is an easy way to accomplish both. “If you garden, you’re getting some low-intensity physical activity most days, and you tend to work routinely,” says Buettner.

  众所周知,做适度体育活动的户外生活方式与活得长寿命有关,园艺则是实现两者的简单方法。 “如果你在花园,大部分时间都会进行一些低强度的活动,而且你往往会有规律地工作,”Buettner说。

  He says there is evidence that gardeners live longer and are less stressed. A variety of studies confirm this, pointing to both the physical and mental health benefits of gardening.

  他说有证据表明园丁的寿命更长,压力也更小。 各种研究证实了这一点,指出了园艺对身心健康的益处。

  If gardening is good, is farming even better? Many of the lifestyle factors associated with longevity – such as living in the country and getting lots of exercise – apply to farmers as well.

  如果园艺好,农耕是否更好呢? 许多与长寿相关的生活方式因素如在乡下生活和大量运动也适用于农民。

  Some evidence suggests that farming is one of the healthiest occupations.


  However, neither farming nor gardening will ultimately guarantee a longer lifespan. But some of the lifestyle factors associated with both – namely going outside, engaging in light physical activity and eating a healthy plant-based diet – just might.

  然而,农耕和园艺都不会保证人们获得更长的寿命。 但是,与这两者相关的一些生活方式,如外出、从事轻体力活动和健康的植物性饮食则有可能让你长寿。


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