2015-07-27 14:47
1.Trim any wayward facial hairs
Grab a mirror and take a quick look at your face. Is there an eyebrow hair that’s somehow growing perpendicular to the rest, or one random hair growing in an otherwise smooth part of your neck? Tweeze it. Trim it.Invest in a $12 trimmer and the 30 seconds it takes to use it.
快拿面镜子看看你的脸,眉毛上有没有哪根毛发是和其余毛发呈直角垂直状态的?有没有平滑的脖子上长了根毛发什么的?拔掉,修剪下。花12美元买个镊子,半分钟就可以搞定。2. Pet more dogs
2. Pet more dogs
It’s no coincidence that the Instagram Hot Dudes With Dogs has almost 200,000 followers; one survey from the U.K. even found that 20% of women said men instantly become more attractive by having a dog.
Instagram上那张《狗狗和型男》的照片有20万人关注绝非偶然。英国的调查发现有20%的女性毫不犹豫地认为养狗的男人有吸引力。3. Stop saying the “b” word
3. Stop saying the “b” word
This one is more than just unattractive — it’s demeaning and it’s offensive. It’s also all over popular culture, so it’s understandable that you picked it up, but drop it and you’ll be 10 times hotter.
这个“婊”字打头的脏话何止是没有吸引力,更是在贬低别人、冒犯他人。全球流行文化均是如此,所以偶尔提及也可以理解,但不要常说,这样你会比之前有魅力得多。4. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN
Laughing at something a woman said instantly boosts her confidence, and shows that you care about what she’s saying.
女性刚说了什么你就会心一笑可以增强她的自信心,这说明你在意她说的话。5.Put your phone away
5.Put your phone away
It’s normal to feel a little shy around someone you think is cute, but don’t let your phone be a crutch to help deal with social anxiety. Staring at your phone will cause her to silently roll her eyes and think, “Ugh. My eyes are up here.”
在喜欢的人身边觉得有点点害羞再正常不过,但不要让手机成为你处理社交焦虑的拐杖。盯着你的手机看会让她默默地揉揉眼,心里想,“呐,我的眼睛在这儿呐,看我啊。”6.Wear a shirt that actually fits
6.Wear a shirt that actually fits
A skintight muscle tee isn’t for everyone, but swimming around in a jersey that’s big enough to fit two NFL players isn’t doing you any favors either. Make sure your clothing is snug enough for her to get confirmation that a human body indeed lies beneath it.
紧身显肌肉的T恤不是人人都适合,但要是穿件球衣,宽大到可以塞进两个国家橄榄球联盟的队员的话,也是不会讨人喜欢的。确保你的衣服合身,让她确信有个活生生的人在衣服里。7.Read a book
7.Read a book
Cracking a book suggests that you have interests and an attention span — which, in the digital age of tablets and Twitter feeds, imbues you with an old-fashioned charm.
研读书本说明你有兴趣,能集中注意力,在这平板电脑和推特的数字时代,充盈着旧时的魅力。8.Posture matters
8.Posture matters
Studies have found that good posture can help boost your confidence. Good posture has also been linked to bravery, so roll those shoulders back, take a breath and ask her out already.
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