

2015-07-16 11:08



  Women are hitting back at all those who have ‘make-up shamed’ them, or accused them of wearing make-up in order to please other people, with a powerful social media campaign which sees them posting images of themselves with just a half their face covered in cosmetics, while the other half remains completely bare.


  The movement was inspired by a video called The Power of Make-Up, which was created by 21-year-old YouTube make-up guru Nikkie de Jager, whose channel NikkieTutorials has over 1.2 million followers.

  这个活动的灵感来自一个叫“化妆的力量”的视频,是由YouTube上21岁的化妆大师Nikkie de Jager创作的,她的NikkieTutorials频道拥有超过120万粉丝。

  'I've been noticing a lot lately that girls have been almost ashamed to say that they love make-up, 'cause nowadays, if you say that you love make-up, you either do it because you want to look good for boys, you do it because you're insecure, or you do it because you don't love yourself,' she says at the beginning of the original video.


  Nikkie's message inspired make-up-loving women all over the world to perform their own half-glam-half-natural looks and post selfies of the results to social media. Many of the women also included their reasons for wearing make-up.


  'Yesterday I watched my favourite youtuber @NikkieTutorials on her "Power of Makeup" video,' writes one fan. 'I loved what she did and did my own version of it. I wear makeupbecause its fun, I don't wear it because am insecure or so ppl would like me. '


  'I don't care if people judge me, thinking that I do makeup because I don't love myself,' says another. 'Gurl Please, I LOVE myself with and without makeup. Makeup is like art, you draw with your face as a canvas, and I love doing it because I like to transform myself into the mood I am on that day.'


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