
囧研究:教师对胖学生心存偏见 你信吗?

2015-07-03 10:42



  Research suggests that teachers are biased against overweight students, despite the fact they are no worse students than thin students. But fatphobia totally isn’t a real thing, guys!


  According to several studies, students who are overweight tend to receive lower grades, but there is no corresponding evidence to show that being overweight is linked to being less intelligent. This of course begs the question, why the lower grades? It seems the answer is that teachers think that overweight students are less intelligent, and dole out grades based on this perception.


  They note that there are other potential culprits, such as the possibility that academic performance for some overweight students might decrease due to bullying. But overall, there’s plenty to suggest that teacher biases play a big part. According to a recent study out of Harvard, weight gain among elementary school students “was significantlyassociated with worsening teacher perceptions of academic ability for both boys and girls, regardless of objectively measured ability.”


  As they point out, overweight individuals tend to have fewer overall opportunities throughout their lives, and if that trend begins in childhood with teachers who give children a mistakenly low impression of their own achievement, then we need to start addressing that and making sure that all children have equal opportunities from the beginning.


  A person’s weight has nothing to do with their intelligence. Being overweight doesn’t mean you’re stupid; being thin doesn’t mean you’re smart. Intelligent people come in all shapes and sizes, despite widespread cultural myths about fat people as “lazy” or “dumb.” And teachers should treat all their students accordingly.


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