

2018-01-10 11:10



  Here’s another reason to get serious about saving — it’s a new year. Although the occasion isn’t going to turn us into smart savers, it sure is a good reminder. We all have our own methods of dealing with money, but here are a couple of saving tricks that will grow your money:


  The top-down view: Instead of skimping here and there, take the top-down approach to saving money. Basically what you need to do is figure out your biggest expenses, then brainstorm ways to save and tackle the biggest expenses first.


  The $5 jar: Instead of the ole change jar, have a $5 savings jar. Whenever you have $5 in hand, drop it in the jar. You’ll see your savings accumulate more quickly with fivers than with just coins.


  Improve your memory: Studies have shown that training your memory can build up a desire to save since short-term memory is linked to planning for or envisioning the future. A couple of ways to improve your memory include attaching an image to something you want to remember and practicing memorizing it over and over again, and avoiding multitasking.


  Read a personal finance book: To make dealing with finances really hit home for you, pick up a personal finance book. I recommend Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You to Be Rich ($14). It’s a good book for those in their 20s because it dishes out practical personal finance advice in a fun and easy read.

  4买一本个人理财书籍:想处理财务问题,你可以买一本个人理财书籍。我推荐Ramit Sethi的《我教你致富》一书(售价14美元)。对于20多岁的人来说,这是一本好书,因为它能把实用的个人理财建议讲得通俗有趣。

  Let technology aid you: Use web tools to make it easier to budget your money. There are free site that lets you to view all of your accounts in one place and provides budgeting tools that help determine where it would be easiest to cut spending. Consider downloading apps that’ll help you save. There are even apps that will save you money on gas and let you text for free.


  Automating: The best way to make sure you’re saving enough is to automatically put a chunk of your money into your savings and retirement accounts every month. It’s generally better than relying on your willpower. If you’re already automating, try to increase the amount by five percent.




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