
长期生活在冬暖夏凉的环境很不健康 你中枪了?

2015-10-16 10:45



  An 'eternal summer' created by home heating and lighting maybe disrupting seasonal rhythms in the human body with therisk of illness or even premature death, researchers say.


  Scientists fear that the prevalence of warm houses andsustained contact with bright lights could supress important genes which have evolved to activateat different times of the year.


  They think perpetually warm dwellings may be a recipe for disaster as the sensitive proteins –some of which kick in during the winter to fight off common diseases like flu – are fooled intothinking it is still the summer and do not activate.


  Scientists at the University of Cambridge have previously found that a quarter of human genesdisplay seasonal variation, including the protection against various infectious diseases.


  Now a study says that the efficacy of these genes could be hampered by modern westernlifestyles.


  Dr Tyler Stevenson, a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, said: "The real take homemessage is that seasonal rhythms are pervasive.

  阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)的高级讲师泰勒•史蒂芬森(Tyler Stevenson)博士指出:“真正重要的信息就是季节节律是普遍存在的。”

  "Just like daily rhythms which tell us to sleep at night, a similar thing is happening seasonally.


  "But over time these seasonal signals are dampening down.


  "During the twentieth century our species has developed technologies that allow precise light andclimate control over our living environments and humans in developed societies now spend thevast majority of their lives in conditions that mimic 'summer-like' environments.


  "These so-called eternal summers are characterised by light and temperature controls that lackseasonal rhythmicity.


  "Seasonal changes in environmental variables play a significant role in the regulation of manyphysiological and behavioural processes.


  "Presently many of us no longer live in accordance with the naturally occurring variation ingeophysical rhythms."


  The research appears in the journal Proceedings of The Royal Society B.

  此研究登载在期刊《英国皇家学会学报B辑》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上。(注:B指的是 BiologicalSciences,生物科学领域)

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