

2015-03-09 10:14



  At first their mother put it down to coincidence: one of her twins was performing tasks with her right hand, the other using her left.


  But when Naomi and Hannah Moxon’s baby teeth started falling out on opposite sides of their mouths, their mother Karen made a surprise discover - her girls were mirror twins.


  The rare condition, which is thought to occur in around 25 per cent of identical twins, refers to twins who are mirror images of one another.


  Naomi said: ‘Our mum noticed quite early on that we were doing things with the opposite hands. She would say raise the hand you use to draw and I'd raise one and Hannah would raise the other.


  'Then mum mentioned it at one of our check-ups and that's when they said about mirror twins. I don’t think many people know what it is.'


  ‘There were other things like I use my knife and fork the wrong way round,’ Hannah added, ‘our baby teeth fell out on different sides as well, one of mine would fall out and then within a few days Naomi lost the same tooth on the other side. Also our partings are naturally opposite, although we sometimes wear it the same.’


  In other respects, Hannah and Naomi are remarkably similar, made even more so by the fact they like dressing alike.


  They share a bedroom – and wardrobe – and they do their make-up in the same way. When they made it through the blind auditions round of The Voice, they wore matching white dresses to perform Nella Fantasia by Sarah Brightman.


  Hannah said: ‘We like dressing the same, but not always. It's part of our performing act. What's good is that I can ask her to try something on so I can see what it looks like. And we always talk about what suits “us” not what suits “me”.’


  The pair often finish each other’s sentences, have never spent more than a few hours apart and claim to know what the other is thinking – ‘If someone’s being annoying we can share it with each other with a look,’ Naomi said.


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