2020-01-17 10:27
今日7时30分,著名主持人赵忠祥因患癌症抢救无效,在北京世纪坛医院去世,享年78岁。Household name TV anchor Zhao Zhongxiang died at 7:30 Thursday morning in Beijing. He was 78.

In a statement released on his official Sina Weibo account by his son, Zhao Fang, the veteran anchorman sought medical care at the end of 2019 after feeling unwell. He was diagnosed with cancer, which had already spread by the time of diagnosis.
Born on Jan 16, 1942 in Xingtai, Hebei, Zhao Zhongxiang is best known for his professionalism in journalism, news broadcast and dubbing.dubbing /'dʌbɪŋ/:配音
In 1959, Zhao joined Beijing Television, the predecessor of CCTV, as a broadcaster. He was China's first male broadcaster to work in television. 1979年,赵忠祥随邓小平访美期间采访美国总统卡特,成为第一位进入白宫采访美国总统的中华人民共和国记者。When former chairman Deng Xiaoping made a historic visit to the United States in 1979, Zhao went with him and was the host of a daily half-hour report about the visit. He was also the first Chinese journalist to visit the White House and interviewed then-president Jimmy Carter.
1984年起,赵忠祥先后主持过15次央视春节联欢晚会,创下了多项主持记录。He hosted 15 broadcasts of the Spring Festival Gala, the must-watch for Chinese audiences on Chinese New Year's Eve that began airing in 1984, and was the record-holder for any host who has worked with the show.