

2018-10-09 09:58



  At Hilltop, Gregory delivers an emotional eulogy during Ken’s funeral. Jesus notes that it was beautiful.


  Rick announces that he came back with farming tools and heirloom seeds for the Sanctuary. He assures them that they’re all going to pitch in to make sure Sanctuary has what it needs, so that they can get back on their feet. The Sanctuary residents cheer.


  Daryl informs Rick that he doesn’t want to be the one leading the Saviors anymore, and points out that they are taking resources from other communities to support the Sanctuary, just like Negan did. Rick insists that, unlike with Negan, the other communities are giving resources by choice. Daryl wonders how long the arrangement can last, given how scarce their resources are. Rick says someone must take Daryl’s place at the Sanctuary. Meanwhile, Carol has been eavesdropping on the conversation.


  Gregory brings liquor to Earl and Tammy. Tammy takes a swig.


  Back at Sanctuary, Carol and Daryl chat about her romance with Ezekiel. Carol offers to take Daryl’s spot as head of the Sanctuary.


  Earl, drunk from Gregory’s liquor, complains to Gregory about the injustice of Ken’s death. Gregory implies that Maggie rigged the election and that Maggie does whatever Rick tells her, even if it’s not good for Hilltop. He blames Maggie for Ken’s death. Earl doesn't think there's anything they can do about that, but Gregory says that she doesn’t have to be the leader.


  Rick snuggles with Michonne in bed and wonders if they should have killed Negan. Michonne assures him that Saviors are only unhappy because they want food, not Negan. She suggests they create a charter for all three communities to lay down rules and consequences of breaking those rules.


  Maggie runs into Gregory while taking her baby for a nighttime stroll. Gregory tells Maggie that someone defaced Glenn’s grave.


  She rushes to the grave, where a hooded figure attacks her. Enid and Alden race to Maggie’s side and apprehend the assailant: It’s Earl.


  Maggie marches into Gregory’s house and accuses him of trying to murder her. He tries to stab her with a knife, but she grabs it and holds him at knifepoint.


  Carol says goodbye to Ezekiel at the Sanctuary. Ezekiel and Jerry ride off.


  Michonne, Rick, and Daryl arrive at Hilltop, where Maggie greets them.


  Rick visits Maggie and baby Hershel at their home. He invites Maggie to visit Alexandria. She says she can’t – he knows she can’t. Rick asks for Hilltop’s help to fix the bridge and provide more food to the Sanctuary. Maggie allows her people to help repair the bridge but refuses to send more food and supplies without something in return. She demands that the Sanctuary provide most of the labor on the bridge and that they send over all the fuel they’ve made from their corn. Rick points out that the Sanctuary is barely surviving. Maggie casts doubts on Hilltop’s obligation to help the Saviors in the first place.


  Hilltop residents gather around the gallows, where they find -- not Earl, but Gregory with a noose around his neck, sitting on a horse. Gregory pleas for someone to stop this. Maggie cues Daryl to release the horse carrying Gregory, leaving him to hang. In a somber moment, Maggie faces the crowd and explains that she made this decision but does not want to go through it again.



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