

2018-05-04 10:01



  Bob Dylan often wrote songs about booze – and now he’ll be peddling some of his own brew.


  The 76-year-old Nobel laureate, whose songs in his 13 album “Bootleg Series” include the titles “Moonshine” and “Copper Kettle,” says he will debut a line of whiskeys next month.


  “You don’t always find inspiration,” he said in a statement to The Guardian. “Sometimes it finds you. We wanted to create a collection of American whiskeys that would each tell a story.”


  Dylan is partnering with liquor entrepreneur Marc Bushala, and their distillery will be located in a former church in Tennessee.

  迪伦目前正与酒类企业家Marc Bushala洽谈合作,他们的酿酒厂将位于田纳西州的一座前教堂内。

  “Heaven’s Door Spirits” – apparently named for Dylan’s iconic 1973 song, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” – will manufacture bourbon, a double barrel whiskey and a straight rye. Bushala said it isn’t a vanity project for the rocker. “He didn’t sell out,” Bushala said. “This is his brand, and it’s his idea. We just helped him do what he wanted to do. Bob does not want to be face man of the brand and he does not want the packaging to scream ‘Dylan.’”

  “Heaven’s Door Spirits”—以Dylan具有代表性的1973年歌曲“敲开天堂的门”而命名—将酒具体分类为波旁威士忌,双桶威士忌和直黑麦。Bushala表示,这并不是摇滚乐的噱头项目。“他没有卖出去,”布沙拉补充到。“这是他的品牌,这是他的想法。我们帮他做了他想做的事。鲍勃并不想成为品牌的正面人物,他不希望包装叫’迪伦’。”

  Dylan’s famous signature will be on the reverse side of the label, making it visible only when the contents have been swilled.


  “He was willing to do that, but he’s not going to appearances or bottle signings. He didn’t even pick up his Nobel prize, so he’s not going to go out touting this,” said Bushala.



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