
NBA巨星来当警长 完成自己年轻时的梦想!

2017-12-01 10:19



NBA巨星来当警长 完成自己年轻时的梦想!

  Shaquille O’Neal: When I was in LA, I went through a full-fledged police academy, so I know the hard work and dedication that these guys put in to keep people safe. Me running for sheriff — I’ve felt, over the past couple of years, there’s been a disconnect from the community and police.

  沙奎尔.奥尼尔:当我在洛杉矶的时候,我在警察学院通过了全面训练,所以我知道这些家伙们为了保证人们的安全而付出的辛勤工作和奉献。 我要上任警长了,觉得在过去几年里,社区和警方之间已经脱节了。

  So, the community that I’m in – I’m definitely gonna try to bring that back together.


  O’Neal: I’ve mentioned that I plan on running in 2020. I live in Henry County. There’s a little town called McDonough outside of Atlanta. When I was coming up, the police were loved and respected, but you know, it’s tough for both sides right now.

  奥尼尔:我曾说过打算在2020年到这里当警官。我住在亨利县。 亚特兰大城外有一个叫麦克唐纳(McDonough)的小镇。 当我去那里的时候,警察非常受人们的爱戴和尊敬。但是要知道,眼下双方都很难。

  I would try to bring back community policing. When I was coming up, there was a cop in my neighborhood. Everybody knew him. He was a fair guy. Like, he’d catch you stealing gum and he’d tap you. "Hey, man get outta here."

  我会尽力恢复社区警务。 当我出现的时候,我的附近有一个警察。 大家都熟知,他是一个公正的人。 就像,他会抓住你偷口香糖,轻声走到你身旁喊道:“嘿,伙计走人吧!”

  You know, we needed that. Then, you’d have Mrs. Jones be like, "Hey, Officer so-and-so. The kids are down there fighting."


  And then he’d go down there and break it up. So, I would definitely try to introduce that back. We are definitely more divided than ever. That’s why, whenever I’m out there, I just try to ease people’s tension. We need more togetherness. We need more joyfulness. That’s why I always try to just make people laugh because there’s a lot going on — a lot of craziness going on and you would think, in 2017, we would be much more advanced, but it seems like we’re going backwards.




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