
霉霉新歌MV脑洞大开 原来是有这些含义!

2017-08-29 14:48

来源:marie claire


  Everything Taylor Swift Said to the Old Taylors in the "Look What You Made Me Do" Video


  Swift's new music video for "Look What You Made Me Do" has a lot in it—but perhaps it's most wow moment is at the very end, after the song ends. Swift confronts the old versions of herself, where she mocks her public image and the criticism she's received head on. It starts at the 3:30 mark in the video, but here's the full conversation transcribed with the references Swift is making annotated.

  泰勒斯威夫特的新单曲《Look What You Made Me Do》可谓是内涵丰富,但它最精彩的部分却是在歌曲的最后。在歌曲的最后,泰勒与自己在之前歌曲中的一系列形象面对面,嘲笑自己的公众形象以及所受的批评。这些过往的角色将在MV的3分30秒处登场,以下是MV中各个角色的对话。

霉霉新歌MV脑洞大开 原来是有这些含义!

  "You Belong With Me" Taylor Swift (circa 2009): You guys!!

  "You Belong With Me"(2009年)中的霉霉:嗨,伙计们!!

  "Out of the Woods" Zombie Taylor Swift (2015): Stop making that surprised face. It's so annoying.

  僵尸霉霉(出自2015年的“Out of the Woods”):不要再做出那副惊讶状了,真让人火大。

  [Taylor Swift has been mocked for always acting surprised at award shows. Multiple outlets, in 2012, ran articles saying Swift should retire her "surprised" face.]


  "Shake It Off" Taylor Swift (2014): Yeah, you can't possibly be that surprised all the time.

  单曲"Shake It Off"(2014)中的霉霉:你不能总摆着这样一副脸吧?

  "Look What You Made Me Do" Black Jumpsuit Swift: What's with that bitch?

  黑色连体裤霉霉(出自"Look What You Made Me Do"):那个婊子怎么回事?

  "Out of the Woods" Zombie Taylor Swift: Don't call me that.


  Fearless Tour Taylor Swift (2009): Y'all!

  2009年Feraless Tour演唱会霉霉:大家!

  Red Tour Taylor Swift (2013): Oh, stop acting like you're all nice. You are SO fake.

  2013年Red Tour演唱会霉霉:别在那里装老好人了,真是假。

  [After the Kimye Snapchat feud last year, outlets and the internet alike called Swift out for being a fake nice girl and playing the victim.]


  Fearless Tour Taylor Swift: (sobbing)

  Feraless Tour霉霉:做抽泣状

  Red Tour Taylor Swift: (mocks her crying)

  Red Tour霉霉:嘲讽地看着前者

  "Look What You Made Me Do" Leather Jacket Taylor Swift: Oh, there she goes, playing the victim again."

  Look What You Made Me Do"皮夹克霉霉:又来了,在那里装受害者。

  "Look What You Made Me Do" Taylor Swift: *snake hisses*

  “Look What You Made Me Do”蛇女霉霉:(发出蛇的嘶嘶声)

  2014 Met Gala Taylor Swift: (horrified, looking at Cheetah Jacket Swift on her phone) What are you doing?


  Cheetah Jacket "Look What You Made Me Do" Taylor Swift: Getting receipts! I'm gonna edit this later.

  豹纹夹克霉霉(出自"Look What You Made Me Do"):收集证据啊,等会我要把它们编辑一下。

  Original 2009 VMA Taylor Swift (where the Kanye feud first began): I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.


  [Swift wrote this line in her Instagram response following the Kimye Snapchat takedown. The internet turned it into a meme.]


  All: SHUT UP.




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