

2016-04-13 15:59



  The next time Lakers icon Kobe Bryant appears on the StaplesCenter court, it will be for the final game of his NBA career.


  Has Bryant looked forward to that final game, April 13 againstthe Utah Jazz, and imagined what it will be like?


  "I try not to do it too much," Bryant said Wednesday night, "and just make yourself emotional."


  He added: "Just showing up and playing. Showing up and playing and hoping my body feelspretty damn good and I can get up and down the floor and run freely and play this game at thehighest level of competition one more time."


  His preparation for that final game, he said, will remain the same.


  "I won’t allow it to be any different," said Bryant, 37, who is retiring after 20 NBA seasons. "Onemore time and go through same routine. Same group of people. One more time."


  Could Bryant imagine a perfect sort of ending? For some Lakers fans, a fitting ending would beBryant hitting a game-winning shot. He wouldn’t mind that outcome, but he wishes for a differentsend-off.


  "Yeah, win a championship," he said, "but that’s not happening, so there you go. That’s done.The dream’s done. Dream’s done. For me, it’s coming out and playing in front of the fans andcompeting hard and playing against Utah, and them not taking it easy at all. They beat us by like40 the last few times we played them. So I expect them to come and try to do the same thing.


  "To me, that is the greatest form of competition. That’s best last game you can have -- a verycompetitive one, a physical one. That’s the way basketball should be. In terms of the end, I don’tknow, man. I really don’t think about that that much; I just like the game itself."


  He’s not sure what his emotions will be that night.


  "When the time comes, you never know," Bryant said. "I might be sitting here with tears flowingout of my eyes. I doubt it, but it could happen. I don’t know. We’ll see."


  Fans’ emotions were high during Wednesday’s penultimate home game, and Bryant could senseit. He checked out in the final minute of the 91-81 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers to a roaringstanding ovation, with fans chanting his name as loudly and for as long as they have at any pointthis season.


  "This is the next-to-last game ever in this building. It’s pretty crazy," said Bryant, who scored agame-high 17 points on 6-of-19 shooting in nearly 28 minutes. "So I certainly can feel it. As soonas you run out at the start of the game, I could feel it."


  Added Bryant: "I can feel it, and it feels pretty damn awesome. Going through the years of losingand not leaving the Lakers makes it all worthwhile standing here and taking the good with the badand the fans embracing that and understanding that we ride together. That’s a love that you can’tbreak."




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