

2016-03-31 14:16






  Justin Bieber says no more meet-and-greets with fans. Sorry!


  The star is emotionally drained by hugging Beliebers. It’s an age-old problem for celebrities oppressed by their devotees


  Seismic developments in Bieberlore, now, as Auto-Tuned redeemer Justin announces the end of meet-and-greets with his fans. No longer will the Love Yourself hitmaker allow members of his public to fork out up to 2,000 dollars (?1,400) for the chance tofleetingly encounter him in heavily controlled circumstances – and the reason is simple. As Justin puts it: “I end up feeling so drained and filled with so much of other people’s spiritual energy that I end up so drained and unhappy.”

  Justin Bieber宣布他将不再进行歌迷见面会,对于“比伯迷”来说无异于一场地震。即使他们愿意花2000美元(1400法郎),歌曲“Love yourself”的制作商也将不再允许他歌迷会的人在严格控制的情况下再和他进行短暂的会面。原因很简单,正如Justin自己说的“我不想再筋疲力尽,身边充满着其他人的精神能量,这让我疲惫不开心。”

  Time was he simply couldn’t have said this out loud, but thank God we now live in an era where, instead of hiding behind mumbo-jumbo such as “my schedule” or “general revulsion”, we know far more about spiritual energy and can simply declare it: Justin Bieber is besieged nightly by an army of record-buying succubi. Although their interactions are not always actively sexual, as in succubus tradition, it is abundantly clear that they have the same effect. They exhaust Justin; they drain him of his mysterious life force; they actively harm his health in a way that so-called science probably wouldn’t acknowledge, but an $800-an-hour tour physician definitely would.

  曾经,他有苦不能言,但是现在这个时代,我们不再使用隐晦的“档期问题”“有些反感”这样的借口,我们理解精神能量并且可以简单的说:Justin Bieber每日都在被那些狂热者困扰。这些人跟Justin的互动并不一定都是和“性趣”相关的,但是在一种狂热的情况下,造成的效果相差无几。他们让Justin筋疲力尽,失去他自身的精神力量。

  Taking to Instagram to explain his decision, Justin opted to post a picture of himself meeting and greeting a bespectacled fan. I would estimate her age at about nine, although she has clearly stalked the earth for centuries, and may well have surfaced in several Jacobean tragedies as well as having previously gone by names such as Necrosta or Mbilith. This sort of thing, Justin explains delicately, leaves him “mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression”. Well, I hope she’s satisfied now. As Justin continues: “I want to make people smile and happy, but not at my expense.”

  Justin在Instagram上解释他的决定时贴出了一张他和一位戴眼镜的歌迷见面的照片。虽然她年纪大概只有九岁左右,但显然已经追随了Justin很久,并且很有可能也和之前的追随者Necrosta 以及 Mbilith一样造成悲剧 。Justin措辞谨慎的描述这种事情:“我情感上精神上都感到疲惫甚至低落。希望她得到了满足,我希望让人们开心,但是不要以牺牲我自己为代价”。

  Well, quite. Justin rightly observes that his existence is a zero-sum game. And the decision to use this particular picture to illustrate his point can only be instructive. Sure, at first you see an adorable gap-toothed little Belieber, whose parents have probably scrimped for months to pay for the chance to meet her idol backstage in some far-flung enormodome, while his handlers hold a stopwatch indicating when she should be herded through to the body search pen and thereon to the exit. But look again. Her smile is coming at Justin’s expense. Even as he wearily envelops her with his tattoo sleeve – itself believed to contain a tantalisingly incomplete messiah prophecy – Justin can feel his own happiness ebbing away. For her to have the time of her life, he must die inside.


  Furthermore, consider the scale of his sacrifice. Sometimes, Justin saves scores of Beliebers like this in a single evening. Try and think of it as the equivalent of Spock’s death from radiation poisoning at the end of The Wrath of Khan – except night after night. No Vulcan could do it, much less a humanoid frozen in development at the age he first became famous, which I think in Justin’s case was about 11.


  Where’s Justin’s hug? Where’s his spirit bear? Where’s the arm inked in cod mysticism around his shoulders, telling him that it’s going to be OK, that any outstanding misdemeanour charges are going to be made to go away, that he’s eventually going to make an album worthy of more than a two-word review? Nowhere is where. He struggles alone. “Can’t tell you how sorry I am,” he concludes, having declined to bother even trying, “and wish it wasn’t so hard on me.” For sheer sledgehammer candour, this is probably my favourite celebrity attempt thus far to tackle the Problem of One’s Public. Even so, we have to acknowledge that, in this field, Justin is standing on the shoulders of giants. Giant whats, I leave you to discuss – but giants nonetheless. There was One Direction’s Liam Payne, for instance, who was filmed at an awards ceremony going along the line of selfie-requesters. Barely a second elapsed between each camera phone, but that was easily enough time for the smile to fall catastrophically off his face before beingsynthetically restored in time for the next one.

  有谁能给Justin拥抱呢?那里是他的精神支柱呢?谁能搂住他的肩膀,告诉他一切都会好的,他那些引人注目的罪责指控都会消除的,他最终能做出一张获得认可的专辑。没有这样的人,他始终在一个人战斗。他毫不动摇的说“我深感遗憾,我也希望这对我来说容易一些”。说得如此直白,这可能是针对名人和粉丝间矛盾的问题上我最喜欢的声明了。我们也得承认,Justin是站在了巨人的肩膀上。“巨人”便是那种任由他人评论却我行我素的人。比如One Direction乐队的Liam Payne,被拍到在一个颁奖典礼上自拍,每个自拍间隔时间不到一秒,但是他的脸由笑到不笑变得更快。

  Primarily, though, the fight against the fans manifests itself chemically, with the war on their germs perhaps the highest form of killing. Consider cuddly Christian Bale, whose red-carpet turn at the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises a few years ago was followed by his being publicly squirted with hand sanitiser by a minion. A heartbreaking reminder that not only are you now expected to go to the movies to watch Batman’s girlfriend finish off the villain he can’t, but you also need to accept that his go-to hand-to-hand-combat weapon is Purell. Then there’s that classic snap of Madonna departing some Malawi orphanage. Because really, nothing says “you and I are one” like being chauffeured away literally waving your hand sanitiser out of the window.

  虽然名人与粉丝之间的斗争已经被证明,但是他们手上的细菌也许是更致命的。招人喜爱的Christian Bale在几年前黑暗骑士崛起电影首映上的红毯亮相时被一个歌迷喷射了洗手液。让人沮丧的提醒我们,不仅在电影里,蝙蝠侠要靠他的女友来终结坏蛋,甚至现实中他的武器也只能是普瑞洗手液。麦当娜快速的远离来自马拉维的孤儿那事儿。因为确实,没有比在车上举着洗手液向人们挥手更能说明,你和我,我们不是一个人。

  Occasionally, the signalling is even more overt. Irish TV host Aisling O’Loughlin, describing a recent encounter with Anne Hathaway, recalled last year: “As soon as I shook her hand, she turned to her assistant and said, ‘Can I get some hand sanitiser, please?’ Right in front of me.”

  有时候这样的事会更明显。爱尔兰节目主持人O’Loughlin描述最近一次与Anne Hathaway见面:“她和我握完手后马上当着我的面对她助理说‘可以给我一点洗手液吗’”。



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