2016-02-18 09:26
小编导读:翻译遇上中国传统就傻眼?和歪果仁聊中国传统解释起来倍儿费劲?那就赶紧看看BBC最新纪录片《中国故事》,教你如何用地道的英文讲述中国历史、中国文化和中国传统。以上问题都so easy!分分钟让你英语高大上!
Written and presented by historian Michael Wood, BBC Two’s new landmark documentary series The Story Of China (6x60) explores the history of the world’s oldest continuous state, from the ancient past to the present day.
BBC二台最新具有里程碑意义的纪录片系列《中华的故事》(The Story of China)由历史学家迈克尔·伍德编剧并主持,该纪录片探索了世界上最古老的国家——中国从古至今的历史。
Home to over a billion people, China is the new superpower, a country we all want to understand - and Michael Wood argues that to do so we have to look at its history. In The Story of China, he explores the history of the world’s newest superpower, from its ancient past to the present day, travelling across the country to explores the landscapes, peoples, stories and cultures that have helped create China’s distinctive character and genius over more than 4,000 years.
黄帝 the Yellow Emperor
天坛 Heaven
进行祭天仪式 perform rituals
向上天跪拜 prostrate oneself before the powers of the universe
共产主义革命 Communist revolution
祭祖 honor their ancestors
扫墓 Tomb-Sweeping
破四旧 cast to the four winds
家风 family values
大禹 King Yu
古巴比伦 ancient Iraq
青铜铸件 bronze casting
甲骨文 oracle bones
君权神授 the Mandate of Heaven
朱红的瑞鸟 a great vermillion bird
求道之人 seekers after the Way
孝顺 filial piety
翰林院 the Imperial Academy
周文王 King Wen of the Zhou
百家争鸣 100 schools bloomed
相当高的大司寇官职 a quite high ministerial job
说客 trouble-shooter
红卫兵 the Communist Red Guards
仁爱,仁慈,谦恭,礼仪 Love, benevolence, courtesy, good manners
剥夺旧的贵族 dispossessing the old aristocracies
中国最早的文字 the first Chinese writing
地方官 local magistrates
步兵,弓箭手,骑兵,战车御者 infantry, archers, cavalry, charioteers
兵马俑 Terracotta Army
世界第一个官僚政治体系的中央集权帝国 the world’s first bureaucratic, centralized empire
Family lays the foundation of everything.
As the ancients used to say, repaying our roots.
All four of the great old world civilizations began on rivers-the Nile, the Euphrates, the Indus and the Yellow River.
Harness the waters of the river for irrigation that enable ancient people to feed bigger and bigger populations
Out of these prehistoric pictographs came the modern Chinese script.
the place where the ancestors were worshiped
The Bronze Age layers here are 30 feet deep in Yellow River silt.
这些甲骨和后来的一些神话是中国对社会和宇宙早期信仰的一些线索 。
The oracle bones and the later myths are clues to early Chinese beliefs about society and the cosmos.
Divination, ritual and writing were the basis of state power.
When the five planets gather in the constellation called the Chamber
When a ferment of ideas grows about the nature of kingship, the function of states,duties, obligation and morality.
broke a peace deal between three feuding clans
restore civilization by teaching rulers to be virtuous
Confucius was very keen on the idea of humaneness, or benevolence.
To have guests come from far away is a pleasure, is it not?
For tax and commerce, the weights and measures were standardized. There was to be a uniform coinage.