

2015-09-07 10:18



  On 3 September 2015, H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming wasinvited to a live interview with BBC Newsnight hosted by RobertPeston. Ambassador Liu elaborated on the significance of theCommemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of theChinese People's War of Resistance Against JapaneseAggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, and answeredquestions about China's military expenditure and China'seconomy. The full text is as follows:

  2015年9月3日,驻英国大使刘晓明在英国BBC强档品牌节目“新闻之夜”(Newsnight)演播室接受该节目主持人罗伯特·佩斯顿(Robert Peston)直播专访,谈中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动的重要意义,并回答有关中国军费和经济形势等提问。专访实录如下:

  Peston: Joining me now is the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming. Ambassador, I thinkof China as this fast modernizing country, enriching country. But we've seen this extraordinarymilitary display today, which takes some of us back to the era of Mao. Is this China again sendinga sort of message to the world that, you know, you are fierce and dangerous?


  Ambassador Liu: I think the impression you had is not correct. In fact, the message is loud andclear, that is peace. Peace was hard won and peace should be cherished and maintained. AndChina will make its due contribution to maintaining world peace and regional stability. You know,in his ten minutes of speech, President Xi Jinping used the word "peace" for 18 times. So, that'sthe message.


  Peston: So these gunboats that sailed off the coast of Alaska when President Obama was theretoday, was that just a sort of accident?


  Ambassador Liu: I think we are talking about this commemoration first, then I'll come back tothis naval fleet. When I say peace was hard won, not many people, especially in the West realizehow much sacrifice China has made for the war against Japanese aggression. In fact the war, theSecond World War, started in China, started earliest, lasted longest, and China suffered the largestcasualties. We pay the price of 35 million casualties, and that is the most among all the sufferingsof the world in Second World War. It's about one third of the casualties of the world. And soChinese people see this 70th anniversary as a big occasion for us to celebrate the victory, to honorthe fallen soldiers who, you know, sacrificed for their motherland.


  Peston: But this peace require defend spending to go up this extraordinary way, 12% last year, 10% this year? Enormous money you're spending.


  Ambassador Liu: You have to remember that China is a large country. China, you know, in termof territory, it's about 40 times of UK. In terms of population, it's about 20 times. Yet in terms ofper capita military expenditure, China is only 1/22 of the United States, and 1/9 of Britain. Andalso in terms of proportion of expenditure with regard to GDP, the growth is decreasing. This year,in fact, is the lowest of the past 5 years. And you know China is, I said, is a large country todefend, the Chinese military has a lot of commitments.


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