

2015-08-20 12:00



  Well, that was traumatic. Not that we’ve come to expect anything less from “Game of Thrones,” but the epic season five finale “Mother’s Mercy” was anything but merciful. Multiple main character deaths, major changes of the status quo, and nearly the entirety of George R.R. Martin’s books finished and done.


  When season six picks up (presumably in 2016), we’ll be offic

  ially in uncharted territory. With that in mind, here’s every bur

  ning question we have left after season five, most of which can b

  e boiled down to whether anyone is going to be left alive when w

  e pick up again:


  1:Will Tyrion be Groundhog’s Day-ing?


  When we left off, Tyrion is now ruling Meereen with Grey Worm and Varys by his side. Last time the exiled Lannister was in charge, he saved King’s Landing, but at the expense of his face, reputation, love, and nearly life. Granted, there he had to deal with Joffrey and Cersei; but here he has the Sons of the Harpy and — as pointed out — a serious language barrier.


  So can Tyrion rule effectively while Dany is gone? I mean, probably, right? He’s actually very good at it, and despite certain problems, will most likely finally come into his own.


  2:Is that it for Cersei?


  Did you see that look in her eyes as the “mysterious” new Kingsguardman carried her away? Hell no, she ain’t done, she’s just getting started. She’s got an evil Maester, a Frankenstein monster stronger than anything this side of a White Walker, the ear of the King and vengeance to spare. If anything, being brought to her lowest point just means that Cersei is about to climb higher than she’s ever gone before.



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