

2015-03-24 15:37




  Image credit: ScreenshotMost Android fans know that it's great for those who like to customize their phones. On Android, you can do much more than simply change your phone's wallpaper. With apps like Buzz Launcher and Aviate, you can actually change your phone's interface. Apps are arranged alphabetically in a more list-like format rather than the standard grid layout.

  大多数安卓手机的爱好者都会发现,允许用户自行设置是一件很棒的事情。你不仅可以更改桌面背景,用类似Buzz Launcher和Aviate这样的软件,你还可以改变手机的界面。应用软件还能按照字母顺序排列,比网格排列看起来更像个列表。

  Add widgets to your Android phone's home screen.


  Image credit: Lisa EadiciccoAndroid allows you to embed widgets directly into your home screen and move them around as you please. Think of a widget as sort of like an app that's embedded directly in your home screen, or a large icon that you can interact with. The iPhone offers similar functionality with iOS 8 (i.e. the stock and calendar widgets in the notification drawer), but you can't move these around and put them on your home screen.

  安卓手机允许用户根据个人喜好在开始屏幕上增添或移动窗口小部件。你可以把小部件想像成在首页直接嵌入一个应用,又或者是你可以与之交互的大图标。虽然iOS 8 也有类似功能(通知区域的股市和日历工具),但是你无法把它们移到主屏幕。

  You can use your Android phone as a remote control.


  Image credit: SkyFireXII/FlickrA lot of flagship Android phones, like the HTC One, LG G3, and Samsung Galaxy S5, come with an infrared blaster. This means you can set it up as a remote control for your television, air conditioner, speaker, and nearly every other household appliance you can imagine.

  许多安卓旗舰手机,如HTC One, LG G3, 还有三星Galaxy S5,都设有红外线发射器。也就是说你可以把手机设置为电视,空调,音响,甚至任何你能想象到的家电的遥控器。

  Swap out the back cover.


  Image credit: SamsungSome Android phones allow you to remove the back cover, which means you can swap them out and replace them with different colors and styles. Samsung sells its Flip Cover for the S5, for example, which clips on to the back of the phone.


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